ESG Skyline Group Buy

Confirmation... Skylines and accessories will ship on Thursday! So next week is Skyline time!
I see the website price was 185€ and the price we paid was 199€.
Was this the presale price?
I see the website price was 185€ and the price we paid was 199€.
Was this the presale price?

I think the €199 was a guess because there wasn't a price at the time... Unless is includes shipping... I'm not sure on the calculations @Christos. @Takie handled the financials and is handling the receipt, Customs and local shipping.
Well, from my calculations, If no issues with customs, then shipement should be in hands of @Takie by Tuesday. So hopefully by the end of the week in all of our hands
Well, from my calculations, If no issues with customs, then shipement should be in hands of @Takie by Tuesday. So hopefully by the end of the week in all of our hands

Provided @Takie does not adhere to standard Greek turn around times :D