Failing At Vaping


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So time to own up to our own embarrassing moments in terms of vaping, either your own, or those of our fellow forumites.

I can think of @stroodlepugg placing glitter nail polish in her clearo by mistake, or of me working on a coil and using my fingers to nudge it, and pressing the fire button on the magneto as I pushed down.... that left a nasty microcoil pattern burn

Any other epic fails ?
Like filling up my iClear16d bottom coil clearo and turning it up right to screw it onto the coil and spilling all the juice :oops:
Yeah I also seared the skin off my finger when adjusting a coil once. OUCHY!

When still using the SVD and iClear30 I used to get eliquid in my mouth about 10% of the time, so taking a nice long drag, standing up hurriedly and rushing to the sink to spit it out was a frequent discomfort and embarrassment.

Owning a pink clearomizer.

Crawling around on all fours with my eyes ground level trying to find dem little kayfun screws!

Losing my kayfun insulator in the basin and then disassembling the entire pipe at the whim of a chance that I might find it.
sitting up till early hours of the morning building coils, testing juices, then finally hitting that sweet spot then when you finally retire to bed, your kids ( 1 X 3year old AND 1 X 3month old) are BOTH wide awake and ready to play at 6 bladdy am!!!

(this process almost repeats itself every weekend :) )
sitting up till early hours of the morning building coils, testing juices, then finally hitting that sweet spot then when you finally retire to bed, your kids ( 1 X 3year old AND 1 X 3month old) are BOTH wide awake and ready to play at 6 bladdy am!!!

(this process almost repeats itself every weekend :) )

You in the dog box alot huh?:p:p:p????
You in the dog box alot huh?:p:p:p????

sleep deprived- YES
but once i take that first vape in the morning, all else is just history and makes it all worth it

(i must admit i have to sneak in a little nap later in the day)
Watching RIP building some new coil while filling up my tank, not checking the juice level and leaking precious VK4 down the center tube.

And forgetting I have to push a button to vape, but that one does not happen as often anymore
Having the centre pin shear off:confused: on my Kayfun 3.1 while trying to prevent the terminal block from swinging around. It was a very sad time. :eek::(.????
Evod tank leaking in your pocket making it look like I was suffering from incontinence
Were you trying to pimp the inside as well :makeup:

Something like that :p I had a bottle of liquid glitter used for crafts on my desk right next to my e-liquid bottle - they feel very similar so I wasnt looking and grabbed the wrong one, filled up my tank, put the driptip in and tried to vape...yeah it didnt work so i looked and boom an iclear 16 filled with red glitter....needless to say the whole coil was stuffed and the tank needed a very good cleaning :p
Something like that :p I had a bottle of liquid glitter used for crafts on my desk right next to my e-liquid bottle - they feel very similar so I wasnt looking and grabbed the wrong one, filled up my tank, put the driptip in and tried to vape...yeah it didnt work so i looked and boom an iclear 16 filled with red glitter....needless to say the whole coil was stuffed and the tank needed a very good cleaning :p

hahahaha, I would expect that from a gurl :D
Making new coils for my Aqua RBA while fishing, when rolling the cotton wool I neglected to de-scent my hands of the sardine bait smell. Lets just say, sardine flavored vape is not cool.