Forum Medals

Congratulations @Jeanlclaude Vaaldamme . You must have set a record for the fastest member to receive this award. Well deserved.

Congrats on the medal @Jean claude Vaaldamme
Thanks for your contributions here on the forum
I have enjoyed your threads and questions - you have certainly uncovered many interesting discussions
ECIGSSA is an active and supportive community of vapers. Being a member is like having a set of vaping experts on speed dial, as most of the active forumites will not hesitate to give suggestions and assistance, or even just a bit of moral support where needed.
The Dedicated Member medal is like a small 'thank you' or token of appreciation to all of those that actively participate.

Please join me in congratulating the latest reipient of this medal:
Dedicated Member screenshot.png

@Dela Rey Steyn , thanks for your dedication and all the contributions.
Dedicated members are champs ! :campeon:
Congrats on the medal @Dela Rey Steyn
Well deserved - and thank you for all your contributions and dedication here on the forum!