Forum Medals

Congratz @ChadB and @Ernest. Keep those posts coming ;)

I'm not so sure about @Spydro and @Papa_Lazarou 's contributions. All those pics of their collections are just borderline obscene ;)
Congratz to you too guys. I love the takes you have on your juice, atty and air flow combos that you prefer. It is also quite an eye opener to see what beautiful combos and craftsmanship there is in the custom mods. Definitely collections to be proud of - keep 'em coming.
Thank you everyone. The folks here have really made me feel welcome.

Wow I go out for the day and it's an epic medal awards day!
Congrats on the medals @Ernest, @ChadB, @Papa_Lazarou and @Spydro
It's people like you that make the forum the awesome home it is for us vapers! :rock::party::rock:

Can really relate to that @Rob Fisher. It moves pretty fast here, doesn't take long to fall behind if you don't check in often. It'll be quite a while before I will have been able to explore all that is offered here. Great place CGIGSSA, yes it is that.
So many shiney's to so many new faces :)
Congratulations, @ChadB, @Spydro, @Ernest and @Papa_Lazarou.

It was only a matter of time before the Americans got medals, being so close to Shaq has it's advantages....

edit: In case you missed the reference click HERE
Congrats to @Sickboy77 who has been awarded the Dedicated Member medal.
Dedicated Member screenshot.png
Thanks for all your contributions @Sickboy77. It's you guys that makes each ECIGSSA visit a great experience :rock:
Thanks @Silver for the medal, much appreciated ;)

Love this community and all it offers, without all u special people on here I am sure a lot of us would have fallen off the train and gone back to stinkies. Information and kindness from this group in unbelievable :)

U all rock!!!