Forum Medals

Big congrats today to @OnePowerfulCorsa on the award of the Dedicated Member medal

Dedicated members rock big time and are as @Kuhlkatz put it, the cornerstones of this forum.

Thanks for your contributions and dedication @OnePowerfulCorsa
Was cool to meet you at the last vape meet

Perhaps explain the origins of your forum name to the peeps ;-)
Well done @OnePowerfulCorsa

Big congrats today to @OnePowerfulCorsa on the award of the Dedicated Member medal

Dedicated members rock big time and are as @Kuhlkatz put it, the cornerstones of this forum.

Thanks for your contributions and dedication @OnePowerfulCorsa
Was cool to meet you at the last vape meet

Perhaps explain the origins of your forum name to the peeps ;-)

Thank you kindly Silver, was also good meeting you and having a quick chat. I feel honored for the recognition.

Oh and the forum name originated from when I owned a somewhat fastish (aka moneypit) Corsa OPC - Note the first letter of each word from my nick spells OPC. I had to come up with a name that had those letters in it because my previous car was a Ford ST and my nick on another forum was FA-ST so to keep inline with my trend in forum names OnePowerfulCorsa was born and has stuck since then.
Awesome explanation @OnePowerfulCorsa

"Moneypit" - lol
I bet vaping is much milder than the moneypit regarding cars
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The Dedicated Member award goes to users that become cornerstones at ECIGSSA with regular contributions and participation - something which we as members all value.
Our latest recipient of this award is none other than @Kolashnikov !

Congrats & wear it with pride ! :ARMS1:

I think there's a hidden agenda here...

My theory is that the only reason @Kolashnikov (kalashnikov = AK-47) is getting this medal is because you're scared he goes on a shooting spree...

This has given me an idea. Admin guys, please change my name to "375Winchester" or "0.50BrowningMachineGun", you can pick one. Then give me all the medals.

Thank you in advance.

Haha, congrats @Kolashnikov :angel:
I think there's a hidden agenda here...

My theory is that the only reason @Kolashnikov (kalashnikov = AK-47) is getting this medal is because you're scared he goes on a shooting spree...

This has given me an idea. Admin guys, please change my name to "375Winchester" or "0.50BrowningMachineGun", you can pick one. Then give me all the medals.

Thank you in advance.

Haha, congrats @Kolashnikov :angel:
On that note admin is it possible to change my username to Kalashnikov (thats the correct spelling) . I was clearly not paying attention when i first signed up haha
On that note admin is it possible to change my username to Kalashnikov (thats the correct spelling) . I was clearly not paying attention when i first signed up haha
Yes, they can do that, but you have not tagged them here so they might miss it. Best to PM an admin for that.
Congrats on the medal!
Congrats to all the new dedicated medal recipients, as @Kuhlkatz says, your contributions add value to the forum to make it the great place that it is.

On a side note, user name changes not such a good thing.
@Rob Fisher would prolly change his user name to B52 to reflect his dropping tons of cash on vape devices. :D
...might lead to the forum becoming confusing. :)
Congrats @OnePowerfulCorsa, very well done mate. On a side note I must say there is some good banter happening on forum today, glad to see we all seem to be in good spirits. Perhaps mods could introduce an "Excellent Chirper" medal to accompany existing awards.
Congrats @OnePowerfulCorsa, very well done mate. On a side note I must say there is some good banter happening on forum today, glad to see we all seem to be in good spirits. Perhaps mods could introduce an "Excellent Chirper" medal to accompany existing awards.

Nice!! Very playful banter indeed.

But I'm reaching the point where my arse is getting jealous of all the shit that comes out of my mouth... Too much?? Probably...

Congrats to @OnePowerfulCorsa (very cool name by the way) and all the other recent recipients!! ROCK ON!!!!

I'll shut up now.