Hi Guys,
Got the gemini and it's been giving me some sort of issue.
Bought some VK4 from VapeKing. First tank went down like a charm. Went through a few other juices, recoiled and rewicked and but in some banana flavour and that's where my issue started. Juice tasted between a mixture of soap and perfume, vaped through it like a champ (probably not the smartest move) and refilled with the VK4 knowing its good and wanted to see if it was just the previous juice that was a bit effie. Well now the VK4 also tastes like soapy perfume. Going to rewick because I believe it may be something that got into the cotton, I use cotton bacon V2. If this doesn't sort out the flavor is there something else I can look at?
Got the gemini and it's been giving me some sort of issue.
Bought some VK4 from VapeKing. First tank went down like a charm. Went through a few other juices, recoiled and rewicked and but in some banana flavour and that's where my issue started. Juice tasted between a mixture of soap and perfume, vaped through it like a champ (probably not the smartest move) and refilled with the VK4 knowing its good and wanted to see if it was just the previous juice that was a bit effie. Well now the VK4 also tastes like soapy perfume. Going to rewick because I believe it may be something that got into the cotton, I use cotton bacon V2. If this doesn't sort out the flavor is there something else I can look at?