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O wait, then there is that data of the patent thefts and import backstabbing with the Vape hoody.

Ahh, we did not forget!

You guys have alot of shit to hide and tons of shit to speak to sound inocent

Attack the only REAL CBD place in country with PAPERWORK and PERMITS [partners with the EXPORTER to


Hi @Judge Dred

I am not sure what you are on about but I think you have the wrong forum or entity you are fighting with.

To my knowledge we as a forum have not been involved in any patents. We do not sell anything or any vape products. We are an online forum for vaping enthusiasts in South Africa.

We are proud of this forum and what it stands for. To promote vaping and try help people get off the stinkies.

I think you have made a mistake in your accusations. Please take note of this and if you would like to engage in direct communication with the forum you are welcome to PM me directly.

ECIGSSA Admin and Mod Team
The Hufflepuff group on FB is closed and private (thus one cannot post there if not a member, or leave reviews).

However, they do have a page as well (described as a restaurant. Who knows? A 'restaurant' might be one of their scams, and just imagine the quality of ingredients / preparation techniques and hygiene etc. if that is the case... However, the logo is the same and the most recent post from the 'restaurant' advertises "Custom mod and tank combos" - so it is definitely the same nest of scamsters).

I would suggest that all who feel so inclined consider leaving a review on this page: (If one comments on the page itself, they can simply delete the comments. To the best of my knowledge, they cannot delete negative reviews unless they hide the review section completely. They can also disable reviews, but this does not make the reviews that are already present 'disappear')

IMHO this is not malicious, but simply a responsible warning to all potential customers who will have their experience with vaping soured / their hard-earned income squandered.
I posted a review on their FB page, and I was at first 'greeted' by whom I assume must have been @Judge Dred or @Della11 (or possibly @Della11 's husband).

I was then messaged by another family member who is also involved with the company, and who was made admin of the page shortly after this exchange. I must say that her style of communication seems to be very different from her family members. We had (hopefully) a productive conversation, and I strongly suggested that she joins the forum to somewhat try and sort out the mess that her family members have made up to thus far, and to account for their liquids, pricing, theft of company information (she claims that she was not aware of that, and that she will query it with said family members now) etc. She has stated that she intends to join the forum and 'face the music'.

I am as appalled by what this company is doing as anyone else (and a relatively friendly conversation did not sweet talk me into forgetting the massive issues outstanding, or especially the clear legal violations against Vape King that should be dealt with decisively) but I just thought that (before she walks into the lion den) I should maybe relay my impression (no more, no less) that this individual seems to be operating at a higher level of good faith than the other representatives of Hufflepuff.
I posted a review on their FB page, and I was at first 'greeted' by whom I assume must have been @Judge Dred or @Della11 (or possibly @Della11 's husband).

I was then messaged by another family member who is also involved with the company, and who was made admin of the page shortly after this exchange. I must say that her style of communication seems to be very different from her family members. We had (hopefully) a productive conversation, and I strongly suggested that she joins the forum to somewhat try and sort out the mess that her family members have made up to thus far, and to account for their liquids, pricing, theft of company information (she claims that she was not aware of that, and that she will query it with said family members now) etc. She has stated that she intends to join the forum and 'face the music'.

I am as appalled by what this company is doing as anyone else (and a relatively friendly conversation did not sweet talk me into forgetting the massive issues outstanding, or especially the clear legal violations against Vape King that should be deal
t with decisively) but I just thought that (before she walks into the lion den) I should maybe relay my impression (no more, no less) that this individual seems to be operating at a higher level of good faith than the other representatives of Hufflepuff.

Perhaps genuine; perhaps using the good-cop/bad-cop technique...
Perhaps genuine; perhaps using the good-cop/bad-cop technique...
Quite possible @Hooked

The very fact that they decided to make her an admin of the page at that moment to come and 'deal' with the review means that at least the others possibly wanted to employ her in this instance as a 'good cop'. I got the impression that (whatever the others' intentions were) that she is relatively genuine, but still somewhat defensive (very politely so) at first about me calling them "scamsters", showing me how happy some customers were etc. However, that is human and I suppose that not many will not be somewhat defensive when facing criticism (legitimate or otherwise). She seemed to be unaware of some of the shadiest dealings of her family members, and she did admit that their prices were way too high.

I don't consider my character judgment ability to be terrible, but I have been wrong in the past. Only time (and actions) will tell. As far as actions are concerned, I don't have much hope for the other people involved in the company in any case; and it is somewhat unlikely that one individual can redeem it. Regardless, even if they change their entire business model now - they should still be held accountable for what they have done up to thus far (and the changes might quite likely seem like nothing more than a forced attempt at very belated reputational management)
I posted a review on their FB page, and I was at first 'greeted' by whom I assume must have been @Judge Dred or @Della11 (or possibly @Della11 's husband).

I was then messaged by another family member who is also involved with the company, and who was made admin of the page shortly after this exchange. I must say that her style of communication seems to be very different from her family members. We had (hopefully) a productive conversation, and I strongly suggested that she joins the forum to somewhat try and sort out the mess that her family members have made up to thus far, and to account for their liquids, pricing, theft of company information (she claims that she was not aware of that, and that she will query it with said family members now) etc. She has stated that she intends to join the forum and 'face the music'.

I am as appalled by what this company is doing as anyone else (and a relatively friendly conversation did not sweet talk me into forgetting the massive issues outstanding, or especially the clear legal violations against Vape King that should be dealt with decisively) but I just thought that (before she walks into the lion den) I should maybe relay my impression (no more, no less) that this individual seems to be operating at a higher level of good faith than the other representatives of Hufflepuff.

Don't worry in the unlikely event that she actually makes an appearance we will all be :eaea: until she slips up which will possibly be within a few posts and then :uzi:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Perhaps genuine; perhaps using the good-cop/bad-cop technique...
What's the point of having a bad cop in a retail company... Here buy some milk. I've heard your milk isn't good though... Respond with death threats. Some school of business I missed here?
These okes man, why must there always be such people in society, honestly speaking, it is mooooooer difficult to be a druk. Life is so much better if you're leka, even if you're poorer, it's still easier man.

Please @Judge Dred if you're issuing death threats or at least plan to send me one also, enact upon it, dont be a druk and a bangbroek, they don't compliment one another.
If you are truly the owner, I would have a word with your employees about their conduct, I am happy to forward you messages OUT OF NOWHERE calling me all sorts of names and using the most foul language and including a death threat from one of your employees. What started the whole thing is here screenshotted on this forum. Welcome to read up and see if that deserved a death threat and the most FOUL language I was almost too embarrassed to even forward to my mother.
Please do it ASAP
Good day Everyone

My name is Danielle , you are more than welcome to contact me regarding hufflepuff, I just want to apolgize for the threats etc all you have received and was brought to attention .I humbly apologize for everything.I have been made aware of what is going on and I am sorting it out as I speak...Please contact me if youdo have any queries etc.I will not bite your head off 0814019605
Good day Everyone

My name is Danielle , you are more than welcome to contact me regarding hufflepuff, I just want to apolgize for the threats etc all you have received and was brought to attention .I humbly apologize for everything.I have been made aware of what is going on and I am sorting it out as I speak...Please contact me if youdo have any queries etc.I will not bite your head off 0814019605
@Della11 - When I spoke to you yesterday (as Danielle. I did not know at that stage that you are Della11), you claimed to be unaware of, and shocked at, the threats made and especially about the stolen company info. Yet, you were here commenting AND dishing out threats yourself re your "SANDF husband"?!

You blamed everything that 'you were supposedly not aware of' on your brother and sister-in-law ("I am shocked about the VAT number and Registration number
....I will definitely investigate..."), yet you were well aware; and you claimed yesterday and now again to be the owner?

There were some more messages last night where you feigned naivety to the point where it was completely unbelievable:

Where you for instance admitted to disabling and hiding reviews - "I did it as I can't remove your comment. So I just removed it as it looks bad", and then claiming that you did not know that " That does not at all reflect transparency, good business practice, and good faith dealings." (message from me) and responding with "Reviews-I will replace it Thanks for the advice on that...." (which you then did not do in any case)

Where you told me about two entities that had supposedly scammed you (the one supposedly not paying you, and the other being a supplier who provided you with fake hardware - and you were asking me for advice (???!!!) on how to deal with them), as if you are now the actual victim of 'real proper scammers'.... When I asked how you ensure the integrity of your supply chain, and that none of your customers have received dangerous fake devices up to date (and at present with your current inventory), you replied that you personally test all of them because you are "a major vaper"?

At that point I became suspicious about your supposed 'good faith' and started suspecting that you are Della11 (and NOT some 'innocent latecomer').

This would mean that your 'shock' at what was revealed (and the threats made - among others then also by you on the forum, although perhaps not quite to the same extent as your brother) was completely fake and deceitful....

This would mean that your intention to 'join' this forum ("I will definitely register and sort out this shit
") was a lie, as you were already here and an integral part of causing "this shit".

After some basic investigations tonight, I concluded that you are almost undoubtedly Della11. When I messaged you to ask, you immediately admitted it (but feigned some ignorance and naivety again).

Immediately after being 'caught out' on that, you are here to 'apologise' and sort things out (before I could post who you really are).

How stupid do you think that the people on this forum are?

I apologise to my fellow forumites (and especially to all who have received threats and verbal abuse, @Stroodlepuff and @NecroticAngel in particular) for my initial misjudgment yesterday afternoon.

I truly hope that justice prevails here.
show of hands - how many of us have recieved death threats from this guy? Just curious?
I'm an heavily tattooed, broad chested male so no, this sort of effort of a human being would go to what they perceive as weaker targets which is usually their downfall!
Don't worry in the unlikely event that she actually makes an appearance we will all be :eaea: until she slips up which will possibly be within a few posts and then :uzi:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well it took 2 posts!

I regret to announce as from the 17th of June this forum is at war with Hufflepuff!

"You know the speech"

We will never surrender!
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Uhm well she fooled/scammed you?
Sure @Jean claude Vaaldamme

If you're implying that I'm stupid because of that initial tentative impression and if you read my earlier posts as being completely convinced that she is undoubtedly beyond reproach (no matter what), so be it. At least it would then not apply to "the people on this forum" as a collective.
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