I Love Cats

My babies love each other

Too cute!

Hehe thank you :) They are such posers these two!

So the story with the little white one is, we had 3 cats Marni (The black one) then Coco and Molly.

Within the space of 2 weeks, we lost Coco and Molly, (Molly got really sick suddenly and died and then Coco went missing a week and a bit later), Marni is an extremely social cat, so with the other two gone he stopped eating was hiding most of the time and overall was not doing well so we had to get him a friend, hence savannah :) shes a cheeky little thing and has gotten him up and about again and eating again so its a win, plus shes adorable, I couldnt resist her little face when I saw her :p
Thats so cool.

We've tried beds and tents my cat says stuff it and sleeps on the bed by my feet.

Baby Choo's sister is the same... as soon as we head for the bedroom the fat cat (Monzie) is onto the bed in a flash! Baby Choo will also come with me and relax under the duvet for about 15 minutes then she goes off hunting.
I have an igloo that I got for my cats,came home to find two of my cats and my dog inside it :I
Unfortunately no photos but it was cute as hell

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So our Silver Tabby had 7 little kittens last night. Will probably keep one and then get homes for the others or take to adoption centers and get her spade.
Baby Choo enjoying the sun and green grass just before the hail storm came out of nowhere! Major water dump along with a few tons of hail followed the beautiful sunshine!
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With all this rain, wind and hail it's a little nippy... Baby CHoo and Monzie are warm in thier cat caves!
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