Introduce Yourselves:

Welcome to all the new members. Hope you enjoy your stay here on this awesome forum.

sent from deep inside a vape cloud
Thanks @Silver. Apologies for beings I quiet, new job got me busy

sent from deep inside a vape cloud
Thanks @Silver. Apologies for beings I quiet, new job got me busy

sent from deep inside a vape cloud

No worries man, we missed you
Congrats on the new job! Hope it goes well for you
No worries man, we missed you
Congrats on the new job! Hope it goes well for you
Thanks, it's going well so far. I'm missing the forum as well, suffering serious withdrawal symptoms

sent from deep inside a vape cloud
Lol thanks guys.. Yeah I'm in desperate need of another vape meet..

sent from deep inside a vape cloud
Hey guys, noob vaper here, I've been off the death sticks for 21 days now. My name is Marc and I stay in Fourways. As luck would have it, pretty much a stone throw away from the Vape king store. Not so sure that's such a good thing as I seem to find myself back there every second day trying new juices and my wallet it definitely taking strain! A big thanks to Stroodlepuff for her patience and answering all my stupid newbie questions I'm sure she must be sick of me by now lol.

This looks like an awesome forum and great community I'm looking forward to being part of it.
Welcome @Gambit, congrats on 3 weeks smoke free!

I live 30km away from Vape King, and I find myself there quite a I can just imagine if I were any closer :-D

Enjoy the forum, and kiss your time (and cash) goodbye - at least by quitting smoking you'll have more of both to waste :rofl:
Hey guys, noob vaper here, I've been off the death sticks for 21 days now. My name is Marc and I stay in Fourways. As luck would have it, pretty much a stone throw away from the Vape king store. Not so sure that's such a good thing as I seem to find myself back there every second day trying new juices and my wallet it definitely taking strain! A big thanks to Stroodlepuff for her patience and answering all my stupid newbie questions I'm sure she must be sick of me by now lol.

This looks like an awesome forum and great community I'm looking forward to being part of it.
3 weeks stinkie free. Well. Done man. The worst part is over then. Welcome and enjoy the forum @Gambit

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Hey Peepz! my name is Rudi! im a Noob Vaper... started vaping 9 days ago and boy am i loving it stukkend :)
i see this as becoming a hobby and hope to learn a lot from all of you!!

4 months in now and still going strong
Hey guys, noob vaper here, I've been off the death sticks for 21 days now. My name is Marc and I stay in Fourways. As luck would have it, pretty much a stone throw away from the Vape king store. Not so sure that's such a good thing as I seem to find myself back there every second day trying new juices and my wallet it definitely taking strain! A big thanks to Stroodlepuff for her patience and answering all my stupid newbie questions I'm sure she must be sick of me by now lol.

This looks like an awesome forum and great community I'm looking forward to being part of it.
Welcome to the forum @Gambit :D

Well done for getting over the 21 day hurdle, the hardest part is over. Being so close to a good vape shop is a blessing and a curse, you're going to have to master the art of self control ;)
Hey guys, noob vaper here, I've been off the death sticks for 21 days now. My name is Marc and I stay in Fourways. As luck would have it, pretty much a stone throw away from the Vape king store. Not so sure that's such a good thing as I seem to find myself back there every second day trying new juices and my wallet it definitely taking strain! A big thanks to Stroodlepuff for her patience and answering all my stupid newbie questions I'm sure she must be sick of me by now lol.

This looks like an awesome forum and great community I'm looking forward to being part of it.

Welcome @Gambit
Congrats on the 3 weeks stinky free. Great stuff
I can feel the excitement in your post and anyone who stops stinkies deserves that
After all, stopping smoking is a big thing and a great achievement. You also deserve to spoil yourself a bit

All the best and congrats

By the way, have you ever tried Gambit from Five Pawns? Many love it.
Hey guys, noob vaper here, I've been off the death sticks for 21 days now. My name is Marc and I stay in Fourways. As luck would have it, pretty much a stone throw away from the Vape king store. Not so sure that's such a good thing as I seem to find myself back there every second day trying new juices and my wallet it definitely taking strain! A big thanks to Stroodlepuff for her patience and answering all my stupid newbie questions I'm sure she must be sick of me by now lol.

This looks like an awesome forum and great community I'm looking forward to being part of it.
Most welcome. Congrats on the 3 weeks, you have done the hard part. Happy vaping.
hey Gordon and Gambit welcome to the forum and congrats on giving up smoking
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Thanks all for the warm welcome!

@Silver Haven't tried Five Pawns yet, but I've heard good things. My nickname comes from my love of chess and x - men lol.
forgot to add this... i got 17 people at work on ecigs now too.. started with a little side line as this damn small town is a bit agter die tyd....:p
Thanks all for the warm welcome!

@Silver Haven't tried Five Pawns yet, but I've heard good things. My nickname comes from my love of chess and x - men lol.

Aah, fantastic - if you like chess I am sure you will be interested to know (if you don't already) that Five Pawns used the chess theme to name their juices.

Check out this post I put up in January when reviewing their juices, which discusses the origins of some of the names