Introduce Yourselves:

Hi, I am a software developer and vape hobbyist.. I have stopped smoking completely for 10 months thanks to my Billow V2 and Smok M80.
I'm into trying various elquids from all over the world. Current favourites are Kings Crown - king, Craft Vapour - Che Guava and Fog Machine - Nuts & Bolts.
Jack,the forum is really growing and gets better and better.Welcome.
Hey Everyone!

Pumped to be part of this community. Smoked for 10 years.

A friend bought me an iStick 50W and a Bellus RTA out of the blue one day. I guess he was looking to spread some vaping love. Well it worked and I have been off analogues for a little over a month now and felling amazing!

Looking to convince my fiance to quit smoking now too. She seems interested :)
This is the place to be!Use and enjoy the forum.
Hi Guys,
My name is Roy Pretorius and I am from the Cape.
I had stopped smoking for 3 years when I decided to vape because I love the smell and taste.
My daughter had stopped vaping and went back to the stinkers (cigarettes), so I used her e cig for a while.
I got her to leave smoking and she is also vaping happily. She says that it is now a pleasure because I mix and and dilute the nicotine levels for her.
Roy,I see by your posts you have jumped into the thick of things.You'll fit right in!

I'm Monier. Started vaping bout 2 months ago(did some few years back, stopped smoking, and started on the yukkki analogs again), and loving it. Awesome forum, great reads. Loving the community ...
Welcome aboard Monier.
Hey Vapsters!
My name is Shelley, been off the stinkies for 6 weeks now, never thought I would say that coz I enjoyED smoking so much. I will never go back, im an obsessed vape addict! I'm in the beauty industry in the south of Johannesburg and since I chain vape, everyone asks what the hell is always in my hand! Been advocating vaping to everyone like its the discovery of electricity. After trying the Twisp Solo, then the Edge I was on my way to buy the Aero, this whole new (to me) world of Vaping opened. I'm using the Kangatech subox mini rebuilding and trying every juice I can get my hands on. I'm on my way to Kieran on my lunch break today to buy a client and my mother a device and as much juice as I can afford. Trying to resist device envy and limit myself to only getting some Clapton coils to tryout.
I love vaping and I love this forum!
Hi Sheiiey,It doesn't take long to become a vap"o"holic.I should know!Spread the good word,we need advocates.
Welcome to all the new people, hope you enjoy your stay !
Plenty of info and helpful peeps on here, so it's easy to lose track of time while browsing around ;)

For those looking for juices, the local market has exploded in the last year, and the local vendors provide excellent juices. All the supporting vendors are listed in the Retailer and Vendor Section.
Best is to look for a specific flavor profile that you think would suit you. Mints/Menthols, fruity flavors, dessert flavors or tobacco style tastes - it's all there. To get an idea what juices they have, look at their web sites or check the threads in their sections. Some members regained full use of their tastebuds, so have a look at the E-Liquid Reviews section to see their impressions on some of the juices.

Be warned though, reading some reviews is like being on a diet while reading through a fully illustrated Gourmet Menu. If you can, visit a store that has tasters so you can sample some yourself before pulling the trigger on something you might not like.
Hey All Friend Recommended this site, thought i do the social thing and introduce myself,

Sk3tz0 my handle. I just started this whole Vaping thingymajic for the reasons being im burning through smokes during my gaming sessions and youtubing.

Got my first kit today actually..

SMOK X-Cube Mini / Black
Kanger Sub Tank Mini / Black
starting with CloudSat / 30ML as the flavour.

not goign to building my own stuff yet.. will pay for coils till i get the flow of things..
Hey All Friend Recommended this site, thought i do the social thing and introduce myself,

Sk3tz0 my handle. I just started this whole Vaping thingymajic for the reasons being im burning through smokes during my gaming sessions and youtubing.

Got my first kit today actually..

SMOK X-Cube Mini / Black
Kanger Sub Tank Mini / Black
starting with CloudSat / 30ML as the flavour.

not goign to building my own stuff yet.. will pay for coils till i get the flow of things..

Welcome to the forum :) Great setup ! By any chance is this friend Wyvern:p
Welcome to the forum @Sk3tz0
Congrats on the vaping and the great setup.
I assume you are very sorted for now!
Enjoy your journey and your stay here. Feel free to ask questions as you go along.
Hi all, I'm Jakes from Cape Town

Been lurking here for the past couple of months, and finally decided to join :rock: :D

My setup:

Evic VTC Mini / Black
Goliath V2

Hi all, I'm Jakes from Cape Town

Been lurking here for the past couple of months, and finally decided to join :rock: :D

My setup:

Evic VTC Mini / Black
Goliath V2


Welcome to the forum @Jakes351
Glad you came out of "lurk mode" - lol
Nice setup you have
Enjoy your stay
Hi all, I'm Jakes from Cape Town

Been lurking here for the past couple of months, and finally decided to join :rock: :D

My setup:

Evic VTC Mini / Black
Goliath V2

Most welcome to the forum. Love my Goliath V2. Happy vaping.
Welcome to all the new people! Hope you all learn a lot and have fun :D
Hello Beautiful People. My name is -------(am I allowed to give my name?) and I'm an addict. I have been sinfully, shamelessly smoking for 10 years now. 3 Weeks ago I looked myself in the mirror and to my great shock and dismal disbelieve saw the worst thing I have ever seen. UPPER LIP WRINKLES!!!! Ghastly!! I wanted to cry! I Still want to cry. Shallow it sounds, I know but its not vanity....... Crows feet wrinkles are fine they are from happy times and laughing, but UPPER LIP WRINKLES!!!! its proof that I am a weakling hooked on (as you so awesomely refer to it) STINKY's. SO after my horrid mirror revelation I have been relentlessly nagging my Hubby to join me in my quest to convert to Vaping. I won so by the way. :)
Hello Beautiful People. My name is -------(am I allowed to give my name?) and I'm an addict. I have been sinfully, shamelessly smoking for 10 years now. 3 Weeks ago I looked myself in the mirror and to my great shock and dismal disbelieve saw the worst thing I have ever seen. UPPER LIP WRINKLES!!!! Ghastly!! I wanted to cry! I Still want to cry. Shallow it sounds, I know but its not vanity....... Crows feet wrinkles are fine they are from happy times and laughing, but UPPER LIP WRINKLES!!!! its proof that I am a weakling hooked on (as you so awesomely refer to it) STINKY's. SO after my horrid mirror revelation I have been relentlessly nagging my Hubby to join me in my quest to convert to Vaping. I won so by the way. :)
Awesome intro! Most welcome to the forum. Looking forward to join you on your vaping journey. Do not hesitate to ask questions - the only dumb ones are the ones not asked.

From your remarks in the Chat, here is more reading matter for you:

Imo the only combination that might beat that nowadays is:
Awesome intro! Most welcome to the forum. Looking forward to join you on your vaping journey. Do not hesitate to ask questions - the only dumb ones are the ones not asked.

From your remarks in the Chat, here is more reading matter for you:

Imo the only combination that might beat that nowadays is:

You guys and the evic :rolleyes: It is like hey korn1 order one tonight :--P Might just do that.
You guys and the evic :rolleyes: It is like hey korn1 order one tonight :--P Might just do that.
Lol, one qualification on the TRON (and Ego One) atomizers - I have gone straight to the CLR (rebuildable) coil units, having seen many reports of peeps experiencing leaking with the commercial coil units. HRH has now been using a TRON and an Ego One atomizer for about a week with CLR units built by me - no leaking whatsoever.

If you do not need temperature control and like an even smaller mod - go for the sexy Wismec Presa (40W) with an Ego One XL (2.5ml) atomizer.


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Hello Beautiful People. My name is -------(am I allowed to give my name?) and I'm an addict. I have been sinfully, shamelessly smoking for 10 years now. 3 Weeks ago I looked myself in the mirror and to my great shock and dismal disbelieve saw the worst thing I have ever seen. UPPER LIP WRINKLES!!!! Ghastly!! I wanted to cry! I Still want to cry. Shallow it sounds, I know but its not vanity....... Crows feet wrinkles are fine they are from happy times and laughing, but UPPER LIP WRINKLES!!!! its proof that I am a weakling hooked on (as you so awesomely refer to it) STINKY's. SO after my horrid mirror revelation I have been relentlessly nagging my Hubby to join me in my quest to convert to Vaping. I won so by the way. :)

Welcome to the forum @La'Chica
So glad for you that you are now on the vaping train
Enjoy the ride and your stay here!
Feel free to ask questions as you go along. Wishing you all the best!
Welcome @Jakes351, glad to see you are sorted.

Thanks for your earlier impressions in the review section, and as you might already have gathered, the guys and gals on here are quite passionate about their no. 1 'hobby'. I trust the 'grumpy old men' in the review section did not put you off too much though ;)
With all the chirps, it does look like you are right at home, so do enjoy your stay !