Introduce Yourselves:

Welcome @SHiBBY

Glad to hear you found a proper cloud machine to replace your hookah...and the fact that it scratches the gadget itch is a bonus for a lot of us :D

Enjoy the clouds, the flavours, and the forum :)
Welcome @zain bhana

Congrats on giving up the cigs...18 months is a great achievement :clap:

Seem you've got some great day/night gear, and great taste in juice - the Voodoo juices are amazing :)

Enjoy the forum :D
Hi Vanilla
As you can see, I am still a noob at this vaping and like you, wanted that kick that ciggies gave, that is why I only "vaped" in my car, because it was new and smoked at work. In my work I travel a great deal, spend so much time at airports and in hotel rooms, always looking for a smoking lounge or insisted on a "smoking room" in the hotel.
After the advice received on this forum, I purchased the Eleaf iStick 50w battery and an Arctic sub tank, and as free3dom stated, purchased both the 12 and 18mg nicotine juice, believe me, 18mg nicotine strength in a 0.5 ohm tank and firing at 35 watts, damn, you get the hit and in my case, I almost passed out during my first chain vape session I had, new equipment, nice juice and I thought I could chain vape like I chain smoked on some occasions, like waiting to board a plane, needed the nicotine to get into my system to last me for the flight.
I learnt my lesson with the 18mg strength, quite happy, within the short space of time, to enjoy the 6mg strength, when the going gets tough, I have my eGo ONE primed with the demon brew of 18mg, two or three vapes, back to the 6mg strength in the sub ohm tank.
I can no longer sit in the smoking lounge and quite happy with a non smoking hotel room. Strangely, when I wake up in the mornings, my first thought is; 'I vape and do not smoke" and it is that thought, almost like a motto for me now and damn, I am proud to be a vaper.
Good Luck to you, hang in there and hope you find the right "tools" to help you find what you are looking for.

@DarkSide - Thank you for the advice, still searching for the right "tools" Lol....
I echo what @free3dom said, coached a little differently:
  1. The tried and tested duo, still the devices of choice for many experienced vapers, are the iStick 30w with the Mini Aspire Nautilus with BVC coils.
  1. The new kid on the block - the Ego One combination. Good reports so far on this. Small, less expensive and effective. You have a choice of 1100 or 2200 mAh batteries. If it is to be your main vaping device, go for the bigger battery. Great deal on this as a starter kit from - you get 2 juices for free.
  1. The hope: The Subox Mini. Modern, caters for all type of vapers. Good pricing.

Do not hesitate to shout if you have any questions.


Ok, like a typical women I took too long to make a decision and now Skybluevaping is out of stock on the eGo one 2200mAh.
Grrrr...... I need something that is affordable and won't cost me hundreds in spares each month. I went over to disposable atomizers as I didn't have to worry about replacing coils and if I dropped it, it wasn't a train smash. Prior to buying the cheap disposables, I tried other atomizers from Vapemob and eciggies but they leaked so much I gave up and bought the cheap disposables and that's what I have been using up to now and I'm frustrated as hell. I have 650mAh and 1100mAh batteries but I think they have probably reached their life expectancy now. I have looked at so many retailers and am to put it quite plainly, confused as hell!! I have looked at the isticks but have no idea what tanks to pair them with (apart from mini aspire nautilus). Please can someone point me in the right direction, retailer wise and product wise

Ok, like a typical women I took too long to make a decision and now Skybluevaping is out of stock on the eGo one 2200mAh.
Grrrr...... I need something that is affordable and won't cost me hundreds in spares each month. I went over to disposable atomizers as I didn't have to worry about replacing coils and if I dropped it, it wasn't a train smash. Prior to buying the cheap disposables, I tried other atomizers from Vapemob and eciggies but they leaked so much I gave up and bought the cheap disposables and that's what I have been using up to now and I'm frustrated as hell. I have 650mAh and 1100mAh batteries but I think they have probably reached their life expectancy now. I have looked at so many retailers and am to put it quite plainly, confused as hell!! I have looked at the isticks but have no idea what tanks to pair them with (apart from mini aspire nautilus). Please can someone point me in the right direction, retailer wise and product wise

I'd highly recommend the Subox Mini then. It is by far the most versatile device and comes all in one - you just need an 18650 battery (or two) and you can go from coils to rebuilding whenever you feel like it (or never if you don't want to).

Most of the vendors have them on pre-order, and a few have already arrived :)

Edit: Here are some links

Most shops will get them next week too ;)
I'd highly recommend the Subox Mini then. It is by far the most versatile device and comes all in one - you just need an 18650 battery (or two) and you can go from coils to rebuilding whenever you feel like it (or never if you don't want to).

Most of the vendors have them on pre-order, and a few have already arrived :)

@free3dom.Thank you!! My next 2 stupid questions - what is meant by "rebuilding" and
I'd highly recommend the Subox Mini then. It is by far the most versatile device and comes all in one - you just need an 18650 battery (or two) and you can go from coils to rebuilding whenever you feel like it (or never if you don't want to).

Most of the vendors have them on pre-order, and a few have already arrived :)

Edit: Here are some links

Most shops will get them next week too ;)

@free3dom - Thank you very much! My next stupid question: what is meant by "rebuilding"?
@free3dom.Thank you!! My next 2 stupid questions - what is meant by "rebuilding" and

@free3dom - Thank you very much! My next stupid question: what is meant by "rebuilding"?
@free3dom -
@free3dom.Thank you!! My next 2 stupid questions - what is meant by "rebuilding" and

@free3dom - Thank you very much! My next stupid question: what is meant by "rebuilding"?

@free3dom. Sorry I feel so stupid for asking this but these things confuse me to no end, does the Subox Mini not come complete with a battery?
@free3dom.Thank you!! My next 2 stupid questions - what is meant by "rebuilding" and

@free3dom - Thank you very much! My next stupid question: what is meant by "rebuilding"?

Not a stupid question at all ;)

Inside your tank there is a coil, which you can buy replacements for once your current one gives in (it lasts about a week to a month). These coils cost you about R200 for 5. But the SubTank included in this comes with a rebuildable version of these coils on which you can build your own coil - you just need some resistance wire (Kanthal at all the vendors) which is about R100-R150 for 10 meters and some wicking (about R20-30 for a few months supply). This ends up costing you next to nothing to keep vaping - all you then need to buy is juice :)

Rebuilding seems intimidating at first but it is really easy, and having the option to do that in the future without having to buy a new device is what makes the Subox good value - and the rest of the kit is really great too.
Not a stupid question at all ;)

Inside your tank there is a coil, which you can buy replacements for once your current one gives in (it lasts about a week to a month). These coils cost you about R200 for 5. But the SubTank included in this comes with a rebuildable version of these coils on which you can build your own coil - you just need some resistance wire (Kanthal at all the vendors) which is about R100-R150 for 10 meters and some wicking (about R20-30 for a few months supply). This ends up costing you next to nothing to keep vaping - all you then need to buy is juice :)

Rebuilding seems intimidating at first but it is really easy, and having the option to do that in the future without having to buy a new device is what makes the Subox good value - and the rest of the kit is really great too.

@free3dom. Thank you :)

Ok, like a typical women I took too long to make a decision and now Skybluevaping is out of stock on the eGo one 2200mAh.
Grrrr...... I need something that is affordable and won't cost me hundreds in spares each month. I went over to disposable atomizers as I didn't have to worry about replacing coils and if I dropped it, it wasn't a train smash. Prior to buying the cheap disposables, I tried other atomizers from Vapemob and eciggies but they leaked so much I gave up and bought the cheap disposables and that's what I have been using up to now and I'm frustrated as hell. I have 650mAh and 1100mAh batteries but I think they have probably reached their life expectancy now. I have looked at so many retailers and am to put it quite plainly, confused as hell!! I have looked at the isticks but have no idea what tanks to pair them with (apart from mini aspire nautilus). Please can someone point me in the right direction, retailer wise and product wise
I can agree with @free3dom advice, but just a word of caution. The Subox Mini is very new on our market. So it is not tried and tested. I am not sure if it is good for a beginner or intermediate vaper. The current clearomizer (sub ohm mini) from that same manufacturer was more suitable for direct to lung inhales. They do claim that the new one (part of the subox mini kit) will work for mouth to lung inhales as well.

If you are adventurous go for the subox mini. If more conservative go with the tried and tested - the iStick 30W with Mini Aspire Nautilus. For the latter you still need to buy BVC coil units (R35 to R50 for one), which last about 10 days on average.
Hi All,

I'm Zaskar, and I'm a vaper.

Bought a Twisp Clearo about two months ago due to my wife's continuous moaning about me smoking, something about me slowly killing myself and that I must not love her very much. Taken that I smoked when we met I didn't really get the "not loving her" part but the health implications were obvious.

So because I actually liked smoking and didn't really want to quit I decided to opt for a healthier alternative, keeping her happy(ish) and my nic demon fed.

So far I'm happy with the Twisp but I know myself, sooner or later I'll be looking to upgrade to something cooler. I stumbled onto the forum doing some preliminary research and I'm really sorry I didn't find you guys earlier. Seems like a great community and I'm honored to be part of it.

Just a fair warning: I'll probably be asking a lot of noob questions so please be patient :)
Hi All,

I'm Zaskar, and I'm a vaper.

Bought a Twisp Clearo about two months ago due to my wife's continuous moaning about me smoking, something about me slowly killing myself and that I must not love her very much. Taken that I smoked when we met I didn't really get the "not loving her" part but the health implications were obvious.

So because I actually liked smoking and didn't really want to quit I decided to opt for a healthier alternative, keeping her happy(ish) and my nic demon fed.

So far I'm happy with the Twisp but I know myself, sooner or later I'll be looking to upgrade to something cooler. I stumbled onto the forum doing some preliminary research and I'm really sorry I didn't find you guys earlier. Seems like a great community and I'm honored to be part of it.

Just a fair warning: I'll probably be asking a lot of noob questions so please be patient :)
Most welcome to the forum. Congrats on kicking the stinky habit - for whatever reason. And shoot away with the questions, we all love to help. Happy vaping.
I can agree with @free3dom advice, but just a word of caution. The Subox Mini is very new on our market. So it is not tried and tested. I am not sure if it is good for a beginner or intermediate vaper. The current clearomizer (sub ohm mini) from that same manufacturer was more suitable for direct to lung inhales. They do claim that the new one (part of the subox mini kit) will work for mouth to lung inhales as well.

If you are adventurous go for the subox mini. If more conservative go with the tried and tested - the iStick 30W with Mini Aspire Nautilus. For the latter you still need to buy BVC coil units (R35 to R50 for one), which last about 10 days on average.

@Andre. Thank you for your wise words, maybe as a newbie would be better to stick to something tried and tested :)
Hi All,

I'm Zaskar, and I'm a vaper.

Bought a Twisp Clearo about two months ago due to my wife's continuous moaning about me smoking, something about me slowly killing myself and that I must not love her very much. Taken that I smoked when we met I didn't really get the "not loving her" part but the health implications were obvious.

So because I actually liked smoking and didn't really want to quit I decided to opt for a healthier alternative, keeping her happy(ish) and my nic demon fed.

So far I'm happy with the Twisp but I know myself, sooner or later I'll be looking to upgrade to something cooler. I stumbled onto the forum doing some preliminary research and I'm really sorry I didn't find you guys earlier. Seems like a great community and I'm honored to be part of it.

Just a fair warning: I'll probably be asking a lot of noob questions so please be patient :)

Don't worry, also a newbie and I also ask stupid questions! Quite daunting when you see what there is available out there and you don't have a clue!
@Zaskar09 Welcome to this amazing forum and to the world of Vaping, still a noob myself and I too must also ask many questions, want to get into doing my own rebuilds, so the experienced members have been warned...
Welcome @Zaskar09

Say the following to your wife immediately: "Thank you sweetheart for helping me make the best choice ever!" ;)
Then say the following: "Sorry for spending all our money on vaping!" :p

But seriously, you've made a great choice, even if it was not done freely - I too made the switch to vaping reluctantly as I enjoyed smoking, but wasn't too happy with the morning cough. I just didn't buy into the idea that it was possible to get the same satisfaction without the negatives of smoking. Was I ever surprised to find that with vaping I got MORE than I ever did while smoking :D

Ask away, we love noob questions ;)

Enjoy the forum :)
Thanks guys (and girl I believe)!

She knows I appreciate it (though I did grumble a bit the first week or so :) ), but to be honest, quitting couldn't have been easier. I haven't touched a cigarette since I got the Twisp.

Oh, and I'll sort out my noob avatar as soon as I'm at a PC again, it's a bit of a mission on the tablet.

Edit: Added avatar bit.
Thanks guys (and girl I believe)!

She knows I appreciate it (though I did grumble a bit the first week or so :) ), but to be honest, quitting couldn't have been easier. I haven't touched a cigarette since I got the Twisp.

Oh, andy
I'll sort out my noob avatar as soon as I'm at a PC again, it's a bit of a mission on the tablet.

Edit: Added avatar bit.[/QUOTE

Yeah im the girl!
Thanks guys (and girl I believe)!

She knows I appreciate it (though I did grumble a bit the first week or so :) ), but to be honest, quitting couldn't have been easier. I haven't touched a cigarette since I got the Twisp.

Oh, and I'll sort out my noob avatar as soon as I'm at a PC again, it's a bit of a mission on the tablet.

Edit: Added avatar bit.
@Zaskar09 yip im the newbie girl!
Hello Mense

I turned from smoking to vaping about 4 months ago out of what I like to think of as "common sense", mainly for the health benefits and the fact that I didn't enjoy smoking much anymore. I wasted a crap house full of money on Twisp over the past few months ( was never satisfied with the taste of them & the choice of juices), but eventually I found my way to this forum and what seems to be a great group of similar individuals, helpful and damn there's a load of information on here and everybody is so willing to part with advice & information - thanks! Now I'm getting to grips with & my head around all the different devices and juice available out there, getting what I need. Want to try my hand at DIY juice but I'll take it as it comes.