Hi there,
My name is Jimmy, I'm from Rustenburg North-West.
I've been vaping since end of 2014, I started with the Twisp Clearo and switched to the Twisp Aero mid last year.
Twisp is all I've known and it kept me off the stinkies since 2014, it's been frustrating and expensive but I didn't know better.
After seeing a friend with his new iStick Pico led me to do some research online and I was STUNNED to see all the cool stuff I have been missing out on, I could kick myself for not looking around sooner.
So I joined this forum and I'm looking forward to discovering better vaping equipment and learn from the experts all about the stuff I missed out on!
Welcome to the forum @JimDestruct'em
Youve come to right place to take your vaping into the stratosphere
Welcome to the theme park of vaping

Enjoy your stay and wishing you well for your journey ahead