JHB Vape Meet #5

Looking forward to the Vape Meet! Will be there this time around!! Looking forward meeting all the awesome forum members!!
And suddenly everyone is planning something on that day!!:notagain: I have to fight of new invites for parties and functions every day :p
Well (crossing my arms and puffing my face) maybe we should use someone next time that seems a bit more enthusiastic about vaping...

anyway, enough of that, dont wanna start a trolling match...
how to start a fight online -
1.) share an opinion
2.) wait....

Lol, ok enough stirring, I really am only joking...
We are very grateful to announce that @ZortEd will be offering free kanthal to all that are competing in the coil building and cloud chasing competition.

Thank you very much for your contribution @ZortEd.
Would someone there be able to show me correct wicking on the Russian 91% ? Just can't seem to find the sweet spot.
Would someone there be able to show me correct wicking on the Russian 91% ? Just can't seem to find the sweet spot.

I'm also struggling with mine :( thinking about going back to my trusty Kayfun and selling the russian - will give it a bit more time though!
I was under the impression that the Kayfun and the Russian kind of uses the same wicking principals.. have you tried a little bit of cotton in the juice wells cut out on the side? I don't have a Russian but i presume the juice wells is bigger or more than the Kayfuns, that might be why you are flooding/gurgling..
I was under the impression that the Kayfun and the Russian kind of uses the same wicking principals.. have you tried a little bit of cotton in the juice wells cut out on the side? I don't have a Russian but i presume the juice wells is bigger or more than the Kayfuns, that might be why you are flooding/gurgling..
My problem is dry hits. Using 2mm ekowool and only about halfway down the well.
Sometimes less is more in these tanks.. Maybe try then not to put ekowool in the juice wells or just go with plain old organic cotton..i have 2 kayfuns and when ever i do get a dry hit, its usually the wick that's not tight enough in the coil itself or a problem with the cotton not wicking efficiently..in that case i rewicked with less cotton and it sorted the problem out.