Keeping Things Clean

Hmm, sorry I think my post might have come across a bit... kurt - sorry not intended that way :)

I'm sitting here vaping and having a few whiskeys, in a very good mood, so all good intentions, promise :D
I stand corrected but the recommendation is pure grain alcohol so Ethyl alcohol. Rubbing alcohol is only for topical use wouldn't want that near my mouth or lungs. I think its Isopropyl. Will ask my dad he's a chemist.
I think the benefit of using Vodka that @CraftyZA is not telling us, is that if he needs a tot before cleaning his coils - it's close at hand ;-)
I think the benefit of using Vodka that @CraftyZA is not telling us, is that if he needs a tot before cleaning his coils - it's close at hand ;-)

That's the problem I would have with using vodka - it would never see my vape gear and be finished way before my coils need a clean
At the moment I use surgical spirits just to clean the outside of my drip tips as they tend to get dirty from all the lip action i give it (mainly with the metal tips, no issue with plastic tips).
Hmm, sorry I think my post might have come across a bit... kurt - sorry not intended that way :)

I'm sitting here vaping and having a few whiskeys, in a very good mood, so all good intentions, promise :D
no kurt-ness recieved , just learning , i am still getting used to shopping in joburg ,,,
i use normal 1 ply toilet paper for general wiping and cleaning. Its cheap and i suppose it works fine
- for cleaning difficult parts in a tank (eg near the o rings on the Protank 2) i use one of those flattish ties you use to neaten up cables. I put some toilet paper on the end and get it into the difficult to reach areas
Just came across this thread when I did a google search on how to clean coils. I think the cable ties idea is great. I was struggling to clean and dry out my little EVOD1 and this should do the trick.
Everything I've read so far says that isopropyl alcohol is the way to go - the purer, the better (99%). Surgical spirits/rubbing alcohol, etc., is NOT suitable for this as it contains oils.
Here is the info I have gathered on how to clean coils - please note that I am not an expert, I am only making a summary of everything I've read up.
Pour some Isopropyl alcohol in a glass jar with a lid, e.g., a clean peanut butter or mayonnaise bottle. Then soak your coils, replace the lid, gently swirl the contents and let it stand for 10-15 minutes, occasionally swirling it gently.
Remove the coils and place on roller towel. Seal your glass jar so that the alcohol does not evaporate or you can simply throw it away. Wipe the excess off the outside of the coil (although it evaporates very quickly).
Now the real important stuff. You CANNOT use the coil immediately because the cotton is still full of alcohol. Place in a warm, airy place (not in sunlight) for 48 hours to allow the cotton to dry and then you are good to go.
Just a few words of caution :
1. Isopropyl alcohol is flammable and evaporates fast.
2. Use only in a well ventilated area - do NOT inhale excessively.
3. Do NOT DRINK and keep away from children
Just my 2c worth. I have NOT tried it personally yet. Tell me if there's another way to save on buying coils.
Try 70% on an old coil first since it may damage plastics.
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The most diffict part is finding a source for ISO Propyl alcohol.
Apparently you can buy at your local pharmacy or at DisChem/Clicks - not sure if they stock the stuff or can order for you.
Thanks @ddk1979
Interesting. I know @johan has mentioned isopropyl alcohol many times but i have not gotten any yet
I use rubbing alcohol on some earbuds to clean certain portions of my Reos. Hope its okay and that the oils are not going to cause any problems. But the Reos are still fine... Maybe its more applicable to cleaning the tanks...

Wow, this is an old thread. Blast from the past.
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Wow, this is an old thread. Blast from the past
Yeah, I noticed the date of the last post and wondered whether I should post or not.
Perhaps someone with some isopropyl laying around can try this out and let us know whether it works, and how well.
For what it is worth, pharmacies stock isoprop alcohol (AKA rubbing alcohol).
I purchase from Dischem and see it there all the time. I'd personally try avoid the "Winter Green" version but worst case I am sure it will be fine.

Curious to see if it works to clean coils.
I soak my coils in Vodka. Normal not flavored. Then rinse with water. Not sure if it is a good idea but that is what I do.
I wrap new coils. Super clean. I havent ever cleaned gunky coils they get binned.
I don't understand, what do you wrap them with and how do you do it ? Or are you just pulling our legs ?

He means he makes his coils on a RBA. Never cleans them. When they are finished he chucks them away and build a new one.
Thanks @ddk1979
Interesting. I know @johan has mentioned isopropyl alcohol many times but i have not gotten any yet
I use rubbing alcohol on some earbuds to clean certain portions of my Reos. Hope its okay and that the oils are not going to cause any problems. But the Reos are still fine... Maybe its more applicable to cleaning the tanks...

Wow, this is an old thread. Blast from the past.

They are one and the same (rubbing alcohol = isopropyl alcohol):

Rubbing alcohol refers to either isopropyl alcohol (propan-2-ol) or ethanol based liquids, or the comparable British Pharmacopoeia defined surgical spirit, with isopropyl alcohol products being the most widely available. They are liquids used primarily as a topical antiseptic.
I don't understand, what do you wrap them with and how do you do it ? Or are you just pulling our legs ?
Yes I use RBA and RTA... saves a helluva lot on coils. You can find youtube tutorials on re winding stock coils too if you are interested. I watched one but never tried it I really should for fun... the old Melo coils came apart easily...
He means he makes his coils on a RBA. Never cleans them. When they are finished he chucks them away and build a new one.
Aaaaah. So everyone just found out that I'm a noobie. Thanks for clearing that up.