Man put in coma after vape explodes?

Regulated devices are not 100% safe but due to the fact that the boards have protection in them ie short control and reverse battery protection helps alot! But if you look at the new dna 200 which are being charged via usb which reports are showing unequal amps sent to all 3 cells then i fear we will be hearing alot more about lipos blowing up!

I have 2 lipos dna 200 incoming but i will use a proper charger!

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Me and @Paulie had a nice discussion about this the other day. Opened my eyes up with this hole dna200 buzz that's going to happen soon with regards to lipo cells.
As with the idiot with the venting Efest battery a while ago, this guy will probably not admit that he did something stupid that caused the mod to explode. What stupid mod has no venting holes for batteries to vent? It can only explode if enough pressure is built up. I'm pretty sure it's human error...again.

My wording was incorrect. Vape King parkwood has had one Apollo mech mod get thermal runaway and burn my brothers hand where it then exploded on the floor. So my opinion was just based on that. I appreciate your input, I am also not a big fan of mechs, so my silly bias also gets in the way. So please excuse my ignorance.

I have never come accross this kind of behavior with any regulated device.
..But if you look at the new dna 200 which are being charged via usb which reports are showing unequal amps sent to all 3 cells then i fear we will be hearing alot more about lipos blowing up!..

@Paulie, that part is intentional afaik. Either the reporters did not check the DNA 200 Datasheet , or Evolv made a huge boo-boo somewhere. I presume they are using standard charger modules that already has that functionality instead of reinventing the wheel & chasing up costs.
This from the data sheet :
Cell Balancer
During charging, is vital that none of the batteries charge beyond 4.2 volts per cell. If one of the cells in the battery has more charge than the others, its voltage will be higher. During charging, the DNA 200 will turn on a “balancer” to charge that cell more slowly, to allow the less charged cells to catch up.
By monitoring and charging each cell individually, the safety of a multi-cell pack is equivalent to using a single cell. Many products, from power tools to laptops to electric vehicles, use multi-cell packs. All responsible multi-cell lithium based designs use cell by cell monitoring and balancing to operate safely.