I've hopped onto this bandwagon a bit late but I find it really strange that the NCZ advocates aren't flexing here...To me it seems as though one can draw a direct comparison between some reviewers/forum member/vendors and social media influencers. Sorry if I'm going off on a tangent here but I have personally seen the power some of these "better known" (I would say well respected but who am I kidding?!) members of the community have over the average joes' like myself. Examples such as "Wow this build quality is totally worth the price" or "The most anticipated juice of the year arrives at vendor xxxx on this date xxxx", I could go on but I hope you guys see my point in this very brief rant.
The fact of the matter is most of us in the vaping community are ex-smokers, thus, have addictive personalities (I'd like to believe that I wouldn't have started vaping if I wasn't addicted to smoking). This being said, I think its disgusting for these people to take advantage of our addict mentality for the benefit of a select few (Just my opinion, I have no facts to prove the so called "influencers" are benefiting in any way).
As far as influencing goes, let's just influence smokers to turn to vaping...finish and klaar!
Also, no sour grapes here. What a person does with their hard earned money is their own prerogative...
Also Also, I really dislike 1 of the reviewers mentioned in an earlier post...now I dislike them both equally
I actually got to a point where I'm limiting my views of the vapemail and handcheck threads. Will be surprised how healthy it is for your fomo.