More discussion on clones

I had a mining client a few years ago that spent hundred of thousands of rands investing in all sorts of document management and IP protection software to prevent their then patent pending drilling equipment from been cloned by the Chinese.

I’m talking electronic documents that self destruct after a certain period of time or not reaching the right sender etc.

All to have this client down the line finalize realize that they needed to move manufacturing to China which reduced costs and increased profits. Talk about going a full circle.

Which bring me to the point which has been pointed out by others on this thread. If HE manufacturers are only doing small production runs at high costs which equates to profit, would they not start realizing that they could have the cloners make there product for a fraction of the price, increase profit and increase supply whilst bring down the price all or meeting demands to increase sales.

There are several well know manufactures not based on China that sell limited product runs of products which are made China. I have personally experienced quility control issues for just such a device yet I paid HE pricing for some designed outside of China.

I don’t know, think this To Clone or Not To Clone all depends whos side you are. Me, I’m on my side I don’t think it’s cool to get ripped off just because some Company in-house product costs are too high because they are to small. If you making so much money, expand your operation!
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If everybody stops talking about this, it'll go away and we all can move on and vape.
Also this whole HE thing sometimes comes across as an elitist, mine is better than yours and it vapes so much better too.

I mean seriously, any ex smokers out there will recall that back then not once did you go around buying a pack of cigs that cost more than another brand and think to yourself, oh wow this so much better than that cheaper brand.

Nor did we frown on mates who smoked a cheap brand and shunned them for doing so.

At the end of the day vaping and smoking is much the same thing. We are all inhaling a foreign element into our lungs which is meant to inhale oxygen to keep us alive.

Both will take your money and until real long term medical studies prove vaping won’t kill you slowly, I’m still on the fence as to how safe vaping is. So this whole we must protect vaping to keep people off stinkess is also rather biased. Technical after vaping for a few months to quit smoking you should stop vaping too. Yet so few do because it’s “cool” to vape, and look at my nice shiny new vape, her let me post a pic of my authentic/clone so that more people can see how cool it is.

The only winner, the vaping manufactures if you ask me. Don’t recall cigarettes manufacturers doing this.

A lot more to think about then this whole clone vs authentic thing.
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I had a mining client a few years ago that spent hundred of thousands of rands investing in all sorts of document management and IP protection software to prevent their then patent pending drilling equipment from been cloned by the Chinese.

I’m talking electronic documents that self destruct after a certain period of time or not reaching the right sender etc.

All to have this client down the line finalize realize that they needed to move manufacturing to China which reduced costs and increased profits. Talk about going a full circle.

Which bring me to the point which has been pointed out by others on this thread. If HE manufacturers are only doing small production runs at high costs which equates to profit, would they not start realizing that they could have the cloners make there product for a fraction of the price, increase profit and increase supply whilst being down the price all
to increase sales.

There are several well know manufactures not based on China that sell limited product runs of products which are made China. I have personally experienced quility control issues for just such a device yet I paid HE pricing for some designed outside of China.

I don’t know, think this To Clone or Not To Clone all depends whos side you are. Me, I’m on my side I don’t think it’s cool to get ripped off just because some Company in-house product costs are too high because they are to small. If you making so much money, expand your operation!

I really dont mind paying HE prices but the stuff is so limited is like going to a casino hoping to win, well this is if your not in the right circles.

Not everyone wants to be in these circles, we might buy only 1 HE product because we like it but the chances of us getting it is the luck of the draw,

Its just crap, they are minimizing costs to maximise profit.

If i had clients banging on my door for my product i would invest in greater production equipment to increase output thus satisfying more people.

How can they complain about cloning if they cannot supply enough people so they buy a clone in the mean time while they wait for their luck of the draw. Your client who wants to buy from you is turned away? Common now

People will argue the quality and finishes of a product, trust me when i say this, there are plenty ways to achieve this high standard with the type of machinery we have now days.

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I really don't get all the hooh hah about all of this...plain and simple you want to buy clones be my guest but don't come up with all this hogwash about can't afford it or want to try it out.....own it and move on.

I used clones as well (before anyone comments on that again lol) and they were OK but it was a conscious decision I made personally to support a worthy cause. I don't think I'm better than anyone else or look down on so called clone buyers lol that's some BS some ppl are trying to use to justify their trolling other forumites.

I don't know where anyone gets the idea that they get looked down on or get trolled for using or showing clones on the forum please someone show me the this whole fiasco is a load of crap and I think the people that started this should be ashamed especially going on about how this so called 'elitism' is causing a divide yet THEY are the ones causing it with their own insecurities and issues.....

Aaaaaand let the trolling begin lol.....gotto love the ignore button

Just tell me something, maybe Im totally confused, then I apologize.

But arent you trying to clone the Vaping bogan?
The Vaping bogan TVB
The Vaping bru TVB

Both swear in their reviews?
Both drink beer?

Or were you first and he cloned you?
If everybody stops talking about this, it'll go away and we all can move on and vape.

I misread your post, thought you said

“Ill go away and we all can move on and vape”

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Just tell me something, maybe Im totally confused, then I apologize.

But arent you trying to clone the Vaping bogan?
The Vaping bogan TVB
The Vaping bru TVB

Both swear in their reviews?
Both drink beer?

Or were you first and he cloned you?
was wondering if someone was gonna mention that :)
Just tell me something, maybe Im totally confused, then I apologize.

But arent you trying to clone the Vaping bogan?
The Vaping bogan TVB
The Vaping bru TVB

Both swear in their reviews?
Both drink beer?

Or were you first and he cloned you?

Your on fire tonight aswell

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Ok this thread is starting to get personal instead of just playful banter.
Im out.
Ok this thread is starting to get personal instead of just playful banter.
Im out.

This thread was over a while ago, we are just here for the laughs now.

We never got a proper response from the other side so it ended a long way up.

But the end result is in our favour so its all good.

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The really BIG question now is are we all trolls on our own thread?
Even me, thought this was a open thread to discuss our opinions and thoughts. Not aimed at getting one up on someone else or anything along those lines.

Sometimes putting things down in writing and sharing allows one insight into your own thoughts on a subject, also good to get feedback from others because everyone has a tendency to think I’m right or we want to know, am I looking at this from the right angle.

This thread has been insightful, plus it helped me get to know everyone that contributed a little better.
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