think i'll get both clones first and then decide from there which to pursue as their rarity is painful
It's not so much rarity but high demand.
The creator released 110 on Wednesday.
There is a list of over 2000 people waiting to get one.
He can only produce about 110 every month or so and at the moment there are about 350 in the wild.

He will get to everyone eventually but also, those that aquire them rarely ever sell them.
It's not so much rarity but high demand.
The creator released 110 on Wednesday.
There is a list of over 2000 people waiting to get one.
He can only produce about 110 every month or so and at the moment there are about 350 in the wild.

He will get to everyone eventually but also, those that aquire them rarely ever sell them.

My sentiment exactly
think i'll get both clones first and then decide from there which to pursue as their rarity is painful

It’s taken me over a year to get my grubby little mits on a NarDa and I will say this, it was and is worth it. This will be with me till my vape journey ends. For the NarCa we will just have to see.
It’s taken me over a year to get my grubby little mits on a NarDa and I will say this, it was and is worth it. This will be with me till my vape journey ends. For the NarCa we will just have to see.

I just ordered both clones to see which I like better then I will start my search for one of the 2
Still playing.But this thing doesn't want to stop whistle.

Flavor is good.But it gets hot and whistles.

My attempt at the X wicking method.


Dont have one but usually when any of my RDA's whistle I either drop or lift the coil a bit - usually sorts it out.

Maybe the whistle is an added extra :)
@SAVapeGear take fine emery water paper or a Dremel buff and smooth (round) the air holes edges (inside as well as outside) - 99% of the time its sharp corners on the air hole edges (or burs) that cause the whistle (silent many a whistle on various RDA's this way).
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Still playing.But this thing doesn't want to stop whistle.

Flavor is good.But it gets hot and whistles.

My attempt at the X wicking method.

View attachment 139057

View attachment 139056

I do the bow tie method as I find the Flavour so much better, but I still get a whistle on the OG cap and the bell cap though my slam cap there is zero whistle. Of course this it whith airflow full open and I run my NarDa at half airflow ,that gets rid of a lot of the whistle.