Sigelei 150W TC just came in :)

Will be up on the site soon :rock:
I just wish they stuck with a sleek looking box when they made this mod. Really looks almost like a continuum transfunctioner
Ha ha @whatalotigot totally agree bro. I did not like the look of it when they released it. Hated it to be honest but when you hold it you will see why they did it and photo's don't suffice to be honest. Really feels good in the hand. They have designed it well to vapers needs.
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Ha ha @whatalotigot totally agree bro. I did not like the look of it when they released it. Hated it to be honest but when you hold it you will see why they did it and photo's don't suffice to be honest. Really feels good the hand. They have designed it well to vapers needs.

Would be interesting @Sir Vape - if you have the opportunity and can easily do it - to take a photo of the new Sig Temp Control device next to a normal non temp control Sig 150 or Sig 100 plus.

The dimensions quoted for the two products are very similar - but a picture would be really nice to see.
Hey @Silver good idea. Will get @BigGuy to do that. I don't have a Sig 150w but he does. Will post later this evening or tom.
Found one with the IPVli and a couple others but will load one with the two Sig's later.sig 150w tc.JPG
Would be interesting @Sir Vape - if you have the opportunity and can easily do it - to take a photo of the new Sig Temp Control device next to a normal non temp control Sig 150 or Sig 100 plus.

The dimensions quoted for the two products are very similar - but a picture would be really nice to see.

I just watched this a couple days ago - got the time stamp of where they are compared if you want to check it out:

But Hugo @Sir Vape aka (HOBBIT) if i open the box that means i am going to have to keep it nudge nudge wink wink :mask:
But i dont get vape mail anymore lol
What did he get Rob???????????
Okay sorry i got vape mail. but it doesn't count because its not a SIG 150 tc