Out and about with my awesome regulated mod!

Been there a few times and yes they are getting their act together. My steak was awesome.

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All this great looking food is driving me nuts
Quick Spur Burger at the airport while waiting for my daughter to arrive!
Spur 004.JPG

Riots in Laudium... one tmpd vehicle on response

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Turns out the riot got out of hand and the caspers (saps riot response) had to step in... Tear gas, rubber bullets... And huge clouds of vapor
Turns out the riot got out of hand and the caspers (saps riot response) had to step in... Tear gas, rubber bullets... And huge clouds of vapor
Free pepper vape for everyone? :-D
Turns out the riot got out of hand and the caspers (saps riot response) had to step in... Tear gas, rubber bullets... And huge clouds of vapor
Just one question. How bad does a riot have to be to get out of hand?:p
Just one question. How bad does a riot have to be to get out of hand?:p

Its turned from emptying bins to burning said bins along with tires and trees. Roads being blocked with trees and stones and just don right chaos... even by my standards
Ha ha what a cool photo @KZOR
When you look at it quick, it looks like you have a moustache - but its the vapour... Lol
Too cold to be out and about tonight so it's more like in and warm with Choo watching TV!