Please help out a newb

Like dating after a long term break up.
Start with a 5 build your way up to a 10. Sorry for being a **** and spreading it over three posts
Tank that can handle thicker juice (higher vg the better)
Hi. I'm a complete noobie so sorry in advance for silly questions. I'm still trying to understand all this vaping stuff.
1. Does the tank itself make any difference (or is it just the coil as I've come to understand) ?
2. Or are there tanks that are specifically built to handle the increased power (and heat ?) needed to vape high VG ?
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Hi. I'm a complete noobie so sorry in advance for silly questions. I'm still trying to understand all this vaping stuff.
1. Does the tank itself make any difference (or is it just the coil as I've come to understand) ?
2. Or are there tanks that are specifically built to handle the increased power (and heat ?) needed to vape high VG ?

I'll try and keep it short although neither of the two questions really have short answers.
1. The tank does make a difference. Some tanks have a lot of airflow whick is generally needed for bigger clouds. Other tanks are made to have very restricted airflow. Coils also make a difference since the larger the surface area of the coil, the more juice gets vaporised, producing more vapour.

2. High VG juice does not need more power. The higher the amount of VG in a juice, the thicker the juice is. Thicker juice needs bigger openings in the tank to wick through effectively when you chase clouds since more juice gets vaporised with every hit you take. If too little juice can get though the wicking holes of the tank to the coil, you get dry hits. Wicking material also plays a part since different cottons wicks at different speeds and performs differently at different tempratures.

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I'll try and keep it short although neither of the two questions really have short answers.
1. The tank does make a difference. Some tanks have a lot of airflow which is generally needed for bigger clouds. Other tanks are made to have very restricted airflow. Coils also make a difference since the larger the surface area of the coil, the more juice gets vaporised, producing more vapour.

2. High VG juice does not need more power. The higher the amount of VG in a juice, the thicker the juice is. Thicker juice needs bigger openings in the tank to wick through effectively when you chase clouds since more juice gets vaporised with every hit you take. If too little juice can get though the wicking holes of the tank to the coil, you get dry hits. Wicking material also plays a part since different cottons wicks at different speeds and performs differently at different tempratures.

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And my understanding just keeps growing - Thanks.
I've read a bit about all those factors (airflow, coils, openings, etc.) and you just tied it together for me in a short summary.