There's a reason that the Zues Rta starts with the words: leak-proof.I have no where to put this and dont think it deserves a thread so... and I want to rant
I dont think its normal to have to do a couple of tricks to get an RTA like the Manta to work without leaking. It doesnt say on the product "Turn upside down when screwing the cap on after filling for no Leaks" yet alot youtube reviewers dont put this in as a con, instead just add it to the review like its normal to have to do this for no leaks.
And yes, I know about vacuums and physics and what not, but still, if it leaks then let them know it leaks or research better designs. I dont like spending money on things that I still have to "make work"
This became an issue more and more every time Im around friends and have to refill a tank, the moment I turn it upside down and wait for the bubble to rise, people start asking "What are you doing". "but why?" followed by "why does it leak, is it broken", followed by "nah, id rather just light and smoke my cigarette", putting the "thats why cigarettes are better" debate back up
I personally dont like chukkin Clouds everywhere as I dont like people staring, so Having to refill in public kinda attracts the same reaction as it would if you whipped out a lightsaber to light a cigarette with. or get the "Ag kyk nou weer daai ou met sy flippen Vape masjien!" comment
Leaky Manta Rant over...
If that is a main selling point I can only assume that leaking tanks are the industry norm.