
Is it safe or unsafe to plug an unknown e-cig charger into your usb port? Discussion here: https://www.reddit.com/r/talesfromtechsupport/comments/2mkmlm/the_boss_has_malware_again/

Jrockilla: "I have a story I wanted to share about a data security breach at a large corporation. One particular executive had a malware infection on his computer from which the source could not be determined. The executive’s system was patched up to date, had antivirus and up to date anti-malware protection. Web logs were scoured and all attempts made to identify the source of the infection but to no avail. Finally after all traditional means of infection were covered; IT started looking into other possibilities. They finally asked the Executive, “Have there been any changes in your life recently”? The executive answer “Well yes, I quit smoking two weeks ago and switched to e-cigarettes”. And that was the answer they were looking for, the made in china e-cigarette had malware hard coded into the charger and when plugged into a computer’s USB port the malware phoned home and infected the system. Moral of the story is have you ever question the legitimacy of the $5 dollar EBay made in China USB item that you just plugged into your computer? Because you should, you damn well should. Sincerely, An IT guy"
backseat driver = skouervlieg
balls-up = knaterflater
cubby hole = vroeteldoos
chaperone = voëlverskrikker
cycle pants = voëlverklikker
dagga = rondkyktwak
face-lift = hysbakkies
go-go girl = wikkeldoedie
hairdresser = dollaklitser
helmet = pletterpet
make-up = jeugdeeg
massage parlour = streelperseel
quickie = japtrapkap
sales rep = kommissiekabouter
stapler = draaddrukkertjie / papiervampier
stew = vleismoles
stress = gemoedsbekakking
tantrum = baba-dans / vloermoer
toi-toi = vakbond-vastrap / williewerkie-wals
toothbrush = bekskrop
lighter = Vingergeaktiveerdegasaangedrewetabakrolletjieverligtingstoestelletjie
Damo & Ivor 'Session' - Damo character an Irish version of Jack Parow
