Reo Mail

Mr Fisher that must be the sexiest white lady (besides my wife) I have ever seen and yes I am beginning to think this @hands guy has some talent
Oih she is not just some chick she is a lady to be treated with care and love and ok I have a problem well at least my wife knows I'm not looking at pron lol
All this excitement is getting a bit much for me... I may have to go lie down before coiling these babies up! All from Chowderhead on ECF. (Tom)

Just waiting for confirmation on which atty is which.. yes I did order them some time back and my US PO lost the first order and we had to reship but that was so long ago I have forgotten the names of some of them. :confused:

The first one is a Chalice (waiting on confirmation whether it's a version 1 or 2... @Andre is there a way to tell?)... then one I have no idea, then a Hornet and then the really interesting one... :rock:
All this excitement is getting a bit much for me... I may have to go lie down before coiling these babies up! All from Chowderhead on ECF. (Tom)

Just waiting for confirmation on which atty is which.. yes I did order them some time back and my US PO lost the first order and we had to reship but that was so long ago I have forgotten the names of some of them. :confused:

The first one is a Chalice (waiting on confirmation whether it's a version 1 or 2... @Andre is there a way to tell?)... then one I have no idea, then a Hornet and then the really interesting one... :rock:
View attachment 31994
That looks like version 2 of Chalice III. The part of the drip tip (as inserted) that sticks out on V2 is around 13 mm. On V1 it is around 17 mm. Air holes on V2 also a bit bigger.
That looks like version 2 of Chalice III. The part of the drip tip (as inserted) that sticks out on V2 is around 13 mm. On V1 it is around 17 mm. Air holes on V2 also a bit bigger.

second dibs :-D
All this excitement is getting a bit much for me... I may have to go lie down before coiling these babies up! All from Chowderhead on ECF. (Tom)

Just waiting for confirmation on which atty is which.. yes I did order them some time back and my US PO lost the first order and we had to reship but that was so long ago I have forgotten the names of some of them. :confused:

The first one is a Chalice (waiting on confirmation whether it's a version 1 or 2... @Andre is there a way to tell?)... then one I have no idea, then a Hornet and then the really interesting one... :rock:
View attachment 31994

The bigger one next to the Chalice is a Lancia. And the one on the end is a Projectile RDA By Projectile Ops. All bottom fed by Catfish Atty Mods!
I got piffed a Cyclone deck from @BigB Thank you :)


It came to me past @hands to get the @hands treatment ;)
He BF it for me and made me this beautiful top cap


He was so kind to include a black Corian Bone oversize button for me, Thank you


Here is Alexandra with her new attire :D (if i can get the silver button of i will take a photo with the black button ;))


Now just to save up for a special @hands drip tip to fit
that's not looking half bad with the silver tip and button
I got piffed a Cyclone deck from @BigB Thank you :)

View attachment 33375

It came to me past @hands to get the @hands treatment ;)
He BF it for me and made me this beautiful top cap

View attachment 33376

He was so kind to include a black Corian Bone oversize button for me, Thank you

View attachment 33377

Here is Alexandra with her new attire :D (if i can get the silver button of i will take a photo with the black button ;))

View attachment 33378

Now just to save up for a special @hands drip tip to fit
Stunning. Congrats.
To take of the button cover: Lock the button and use a screwdriver or sturdy wood piece (if scratches are a worry) to gently lift it little by little from all sides.
My spidey senses are telling me, this thread will induce major fomo vibes in the following two weeks :-D I for one am not amped for it :envy:
Watch this space.... Mercedes is coming soon :) Has to be one of my favorite female names ever!
My reo mail.

Pic rotated, edited and resized by the secret Porcupine!
Last edited by a moderator:
Congrats, and most welcome to Reoville. Enjoy and please do give us your impressions. Of course, shout if you need any help. Here is your official Reonaut badge:

Awesome @Christos
Wishing you all the best with her!