Rob's Lounge

If someone blaps me, I can pretty much guarantee that it will be their last time they do it. You can't blaps if you don't have anything to blaps with. :)
Just something interesting - Google "blap" and check the first Urban Dictionary.

(Hope everyone's got a sense of humour)

I would have thought the Dutch version "swaffelen" would have found more usage here in SA. :)
Well I'm not into crime drama series but when I seen this chick Sophia Bush from CHICAGO PD I was like Oh my HAT. now shes a 10 for naturallll hotness!!!

What can I say guys? I'm definitely buying what you're selling, you've created some really hot stuff between the two of you, maybe you could go into movies business? :rolleyes:
Like a sexy curvy La Linea that rides an Alfa instead of just walking across the screen?
It would be easier on the struggling graphic designer, just 1.5hrs for the top half. :D
For want of a better word.
The hair parting on either side of the head, falling down in front of both shoulders.

I didnt want to turn a smart alec comment into a Redken styling tech manual. ;)
I was not questioning the naming convention, now that I notice them I would described them as ponytails as well.