Rob's Ramblings

Lol @Rob Fisher - the Goblin vid was great

I thought the revised Goblin had the ability to have a bigger tank?
Have you tried that yet?
Wonder if its the same quality of vape?
Lol @Rob Fisher - the Goblin vid was great

I thought the revised Goblin had the ability to have a bigger tank?
Have you tried that yet?
Wonder if its the same quality of vape?

Yip it does have a bigger tank... and yes dual coiled, wicked and filled and great! Chicken Dinner! :rock:
Rob's Ramblings Episode 7 - Goblin v1.2 and some Vape Mail!

That phone thing is great,reminds me of my first cellphone which if I recall I got around 1988,it cost about as much as a half decent car and weighed almost as much.
Awesome videos @Rob Fisher. Snap on the mic! Excellent choice, that's its perfect use. Good Webcam as well. Maybe look into seeing why in the last video it's flashing the white walls like that.

Otherwise your videos are awesome Rob. I love that they short and to the point.. I love how you are improving your editing with each one. If you would like I can make a nice Adobe After Effects intro for you if you would like :)
Awesome videos @Rob Fisher. Snap on the mic! Excellent choice, that's its perfect use. Good Webcam as well. Maybe look into seeing why in the last video it's flashing the white walls like that.

Otherwise your videos are awesome Rob. I love that they short and to the point.. I love how you are improving your editing with each one. If you would like I can make a nice Adobe After Effects intro for you if you would like :)

Thanks @Gizmo! I didn't see any white flashing walls? Will triple check...

I would love some help with intro's and stuff... this is a HUGE learning curve! :eek:
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! The flashing white walls... I understand now... it was the LED roof lights through a turning fan! Thanks for spotting that... will turn off the fan next time. ;-)
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! The flashing white walls... I understand now... it was the LED roof lights through a turning fan! Thanks for spotting that... will turn off the fan next time. ;-)

Sweet, I also think you should remove the Pbasrdo intro sound. It's not needed, your intro music is unique to you keep it as is. I will work on a intro for you :)
Sweet, I also think you should remove the Pbasrdo intro sound. It's not needed, your intro music is unique to you keep it as is. I will work on a intro for you :)

Thanks Gizarama... funny I created the intro from the stuff I had on my drive... the last thing I ever wanted was to sound like anyone else on the planet. ;-)
I agree with @Gizmo rob. That pbusardo sound is not you. I think you should get a porcupine sound to go with porcupine video productions. Lol
lol @Rob... Drop the Busardo nonsense.

Nobody likes copying. Personally, I would drop the hot fem pic - you are already alienating someone like me (in their 30's with 2 girls) - we don't like anything "porn" anymore. Also most fems will think lame.

That's if you're not taking the piss... Otherwise carry on.

But if you are taking it seriously, and want a proper following - 'be water.' Not offending to ANYBODY, and appealing to ALL.

That's all
I agree with @Gizmo rob. That pbusardo sound is not you. I think you should get a porcupine sound to go with porcupine video productions. Lol

Ahhhh I just checked one of Phil's videos and I guess you are referring to the beep at the end... will change that now! I wondered what you guys were on about... ;-)
But if you are taking it seriously, and want a proper following - 'be water.' Not offending to ANYBODY, and appealing to ALL.

I hear you on the fems... but not offending anyone? That's gonna be difficult... I have been in the public eye a few times and did a TV Show on DSTV called ESA Bass a while ago and not offending someone is almost impossible. BUt I hear your advice and will take it to heart. :rock:
@Rob Fisher Great video

I'll never buy a Joyetech product again... Ever... I've yet to be so utterly disappointed. The worst part is how insanely priced their stuff is. It's not the vendors fault, its all on Joyetech... I mean how can a deceitful monstrosity like the eVic Supreme cost more than a Sigelei 150W? or an authentic Vaporshark RDNA? I'd better stop before I get really bitter and twisted about it :p

With the Subtank mini, I found my one to be too tight for a lot of my drip tips, maybe they're having serious QC issues?
Using the stock drip tip on mine, I had some minor spit back issues, but since I switched over to using my wider bore stingray drip tip, I've had no more spit back. That leaking isn't actually leaking like through the coil or anything like that. Or at least not in my case. I found that condensation builds up near the AFC and under the coil. I find rinsing it under a tap, and blowing it dry every 1-2 tanks means that it never gets to the point where the juice seeps out.

I find the best thing to use for atty ripping, is the 510-ego adapter that came with my iStick.

On the being water thing. I'm more of the school of thought of telling it how it is. If something sucks, then it sucks. If you spent your money buying the thing that sucks, you have the right, and dare I say the obligation to say the thing sucks.

Though hand in hand with that, is a disclaimer indemnifying the vendor who supplied the sucky thing, unless the sucky thing is the vendors service. But in 99% of cases, its the actual creator of the sucky thing that should be in the crosshairs.

But I'm getting a bit more radical with my views the more gear I come across.
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Great vid Rob,

My snivel involves Telkom, freakin adsl line has been up and down all day. Really sucks.
@Rob Fisher Great video

On the being water thing. I'm more of the school of thought of telling it how it is. If something sucks, then it sucks. If you spent your money buying the thing that sucks, you have the right, and dare I say the obligation to say the thing sucks.

Thanks for that feedback! Yip I'm going to keep it real... it's one of the reasons I haven't got into selling vape stuff despite people telling me I could make money selling stuff (I want to remain neutral)... it's my hobby and another new hobby is playing with video editing software and yes I know I am only scratching the surface but I'm having fun... and that is pretty much my aim in life... have fun without being a doos.

I'm sure lots of people don't agree with me on issues and that's OK... I never pretend to be an expert and all my ramblings are just that... my ramblings and how I feel!

I appreciate the feedback... it spurs me on to keep going.. thank you! :rock:
Great vid Rob,

My snivel involves Telkom, freakin adsl line has been up and down all day. Really sucks.

Thanks @Alex! Please don't get me started on Telkom... my year with internet connectivity has been a *&^%&^%$$ nightmare as well! I'm holding on until they install my 40mb fibre line at the end of Feb! I'm kinda hoping it's gonna be killer fast! Well we can only hope!
Robs that was my fav video! Im going to make it my life mission to recommend you kuk products to review cause its pure entertainment lol
Rob, I'm really enjoying these videos. I love your down to earth, unscripted, call it like it is, no bullshit with a dash of humour attitude. Never change that ;)