Rob's Ramblings

@Rob Fisher have you by any chance tested the ccells in the Ijust S tank? Really like the capacity of the tank hoping it doesnt have the dreaded airlick issue

I bought an iJust S to test that very thing... but I tested the coil that came with it and was blown away by the airflow and it's been like that ever since... I will clean it out now and pop in a cCell to give it a test drive!
iJustS 001.JPG
All set up and operational... put it on the Snow Wolf Mini at 30 watts while the iJust Battery is charging... but so far so good... will give it a run today and get back to you! NB the cCell wants to be really screwed in tight.

All set up and operational... put it on the Snow Wolf Mini at 30 watts while the iJust Battery is charging... but so far so good... will give it a run today and get back to you! NB the cCell wants to be really screwed in tight.

View attachment 67747

Serious clouds uncle rob.
Lets hope the tax man doesnt start charging us for O2 ommisions :-D
We will be screwed :-D:-D:-D
Thanks a million for being on the frontline again! I think a VW mod is perfect for the ccell in the tank. Although the ijust bat should hit it at 29.4 watts fully charged!! Crossing fingers for no airlock!
Nice video Rob. Spot on. I am loving my Pharaoh on day 2. No shortcomings whatsoever. I also used my own standard drip tip. Much better.

I find the old IJust batteries are great for my 22mm Drippers. Will try the cell coils on my Melo2 attys. Don't really care for the old IJust 2 tanks. Too many burned out coils. Now you have got me interested in the new IJust S kit. I wonder why it's under the VW Mod section on the Sir Vape site? Is it not considered a Mech Mod? ie no variable wattage options?

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Nice video Rob. Spot on. I am loving my Pharaoh on day 2. No shortcomings whatsoever. I also used my own standard drip tip. Much better.

I find the old IJust batteries are great for my 22mm Drippers. Will try the cell coils on my Melo2 attys. Don't really care for the old IJust 2 tanks. Too many burned out coils. Now you have got me interested in the new IJust S kit. I wonder why it's under the VW Mod section on the Sir Vape site? Is it not considered a Mech Mod? ie no variable wattage options?

@Waine I guess it's there because it's not a conventional mech mod and has some electronics in it.
Skipper you might need to send that Pharaoh to me so "i can make you a tip" then you would have a good reason to buy yourself one:--P
Skipper you might need to send that Pharaoh to me so "i can make you a tip" then you would have a good reason to buy yourself one:--P

Let me know when stock arrives... I may send you a couple of tanks that need the special touch! ;-)
Let me know when stock arrives... I may send you a couple of tanks that need the special touch! ;-)
Some should get her tomorrow and the rest on Monday. One always has to add some extra days for those of use in the sticks.
For those of you out there that love thier Melo 3 Mini's (2ml) with cCell because the flavour is so good and the setup just works and are looking for a tank that is as trouble free but has a bigger juice capacity you can look at the iJust S Tank! I have been running it for a few days now and the flavour is as good as the Melo 3 Mini but the juice capacity is much better and so far no airlock issues...
HandCheck 001.JPG
For those of you out there that love thier Melo 3 Mini's (2ml) with cCell because the flavour is so good and the setup just works and are looking for a tank that is as trouble free but has a bigger juice capacity you can look at the iJust S Tank! I have been running it for a few days now and the flavour is as good as the Melo 3 Mini but the juice capacity is much better and so far no airlock issues...
View attachment 67957

Hi Oom Rob, a little advice please.
I'm looking for a device for my Dad, to cut down on the stinkies, and I've been looking at either the Ijust S kit, or the 75w Pico kit.

He's gonna want to MTL.

Any advice?

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Hi Oom Rob, a little advice please.
I'm looking for a device for my Dad, to cut down on the stinkies, and I've been looking at either the Ijust S kit, or the 75w Pico kit.

He's gonna want to MTL.

Any advice?

@GerritVisagie you can forget the iJust S... it's way too airy for a new convert. The best reasonable option is the 75W Pico Kit (try get the 2ml tank). The tank is not ideal for MTL but may suffice to start... the ideal tank for a new convert is the Nautilus X.
If I may chip in here and @Rob can correct me here but the Ijust S does not have a conventional airflow setting. It is basically wide open and you have to adjust it with a silicone band. So if you are looking for MTL I would go for the Pico and maybe some 0.9ohm c cells