
1. Look through your female colleague's drawers for emergency tampons.
2. Dismantle tampon to get to the cotton with a pair of office scissors.
3. Use drawing pins to fluff cotton.
4. Juice and hit a few times to get rid of taste.
Bliksem this is a brilliant idea
So, say you have 0 spare cotton.

No suppliers anywhere close to you.

You can't leave work.

You have no tool kit...

And you've burnt your cotton bacon into crispy bacon.

What do you do to make it work until you can fix the cotton?
I have not tried it yet, but if you have wire why not try a wickless coil. I won't do it myself though but really want to hear from someone who did .
I have not tried it yet, but if you have wire why not try a wickless coil. I won't do it myself though but really want to hear from someone who did .

You can, I did and it's not ideal ,but will get you through the day.

Coil burnt on my squonk mod and I bent the coil down into the chamber after a dryburn and and clean.Squonked and vaped.
The juice in the well is rather unpleasant to deal with when it's hot so you have to keep the mod upright at all times.
Would I do it again...No I'd look for something to wick with.