Selling Your own vape juice

There are no legal issues. My advice is as follow:

1.) Keep it clean: no one is watching you, but take pride. Create a sterile environment, use gloves, hair nets etc to make sure you offer a product that is safe.
2.) Quality recipes: give your clients a recipes that justifies the money they will spend. You are not going to make money off single flavor recipes and you will get a lot of flack wherever you try market them
3. Be original: I, personally have an issue with people stealing recipes and selling it off as their own. You will not be successful.selling clones and no vendor will take you on one day (they know their shit)
4. Price reasonably: I do not believe you should be selling a 30ml bottle for more that R80. Especially not if you selling it in wespack 30ml drip tip bottles. Be fair with your price and you will get a fair return and repeat business
5. Be open: you need to be 100% open that this is a diy line and under what conditions it is prepared. You client need to know exactly what they can expect and that it is not mixed under clean room conditions.
6. Steep your juice: asking R80 for an unsteeped juice is bad style. properly.
7. Don't f#ckup up the market: don't do this industry more harm. Many bathtub mixers are doing this. The push kak juice into the market, hardly make any money and makes it more and more difficult for legit DIYers to sell good juice. They taint the market so badly that no one is interested in buying diy juice, and there are DIY guys that make juice that will stand up to any commercial variant (most start off that way)

So keep it fair, safe and make it worth everyone's while

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Will I be able to sell my juice through a legit store, I do t have my own, if it's made in my kitchen? As long as the area is sterile?
Quick question...I’m looking at some recipes online. They would for instance say;
Concentrate A 2%
Concentrate B 4%
Concentrate C 5%
And that’s ALL they say.

That percentages go into how much ml’s of juice?
E-liquid Recipes website has a calculator you should use.