Manto pro with the Blitzen
Puma 220 with the Dvarw clone
Same ADV
The Blitzen being a dual coil with a single wire clapton 26/36 0.28 Ohms. 22.5W
The vapour production of this combo is instant and it is dense thick clouds. You can definitely taste the peppermint and menthol but the Koolada is muted a bit and not so cool on the throat. The AFC is closed down quite a bit with only 5-6 honeycomb holes showing either side.
The Dvarw clone is a single coil, my DIY Cotton bacon comp wire 26awg twisted. 0.35 Ohms 20W
I have the biggest air flow insert in this and the draw is non adjustable. Not as restricted as the Blitzen. Vapour production is thinner and not as dense. Flavours are more definable, I can pick up the 1% of spearmint in the mix. The Koolada is colder on the throat. Slightly more ramp up time and it gets warmer as you draw.
I am not doing this as a comparison as such, although it does read that way, as to which is better, both of them are betterer and I enjoy both at any time, but more as info as to the experience I am having with these combo's. They are both very good to me but does highlight how differing set ups will influence the same juice.