Some assistance required


Goofy Guru
Cape Town
Can anyone please assist. In my absence this past week I have managed to convert a smoker to be a Vapour. Problem is while I was there he vaped on my reo grand so now I am on the hunt for a tank for him.

Here's what I require
He wants a similar airy draw to the cyclops with both air holes open max. Must have coils that's are replaceable as he says he is too old to struggle and build coils. The Atlantis is not an option is it spits too much and I fear it will discourage him. I have gifted him my ipv2s so now just need a tank I can send to him with some coils

Any suggestions will be appreciated.
How about the Lemo. Airflow isn't too bad on it
i've not had my atlantis spit... but what about a sub tank? thats a very flexible tank.
@Riddle does the lemo have replaceable coils?

The kanger subtank. I didn't not even think of that @n0ugh7_zw i will check that one out
Sounds like a tough one @Marzuq

that ipv2s would be complete overkill for any of the regular commercial tanks.

I agree fully with @n0ugh7_zw , why not hook him up with a SubTank ang pop those 1.2ohm coils in... I know there are a few vendors that have them in stock will be open for business on the 5th.

Plus, then you get to test it too i suppose.
Thanks @Oliver Barry i will definitely be checking out the subtank and 1.2ohm coils. If it fits the profile I will hop onto that one
i've not had my atlantis spit... but what about a sub tank? thats a very flexible tank.
Agree about the Atlantis - I do 3-4 tanks a day in mine, and it spits maybe once or twice in that time. Maybe it's just the juice? Might like thicker juice? Don't know.
Agree about the Atlantis - I do 3-4 tanks a day in mine, and it spits maybe once or twice in that time. Maybe it's just the juice? Might like thicker juice? Don't know.

The only time mine spits a bit is when the coil is brand new. And then its minimal.
Someone else on the forum mentioned putting in a small bit of cotton in the drip tip if it spits a lot. Will see if I can find the thread.
Yeah I get what u guys are saying but I believe that something should work properly straight out of the box. If i have to tweak it to get it right then it's not been built properly
Can anyone please assist. In my absence this past week I have managed to convert a smoker to be a Vapour. Problem is while I was there he vaped on my reo grand so now I am on the hunt for a tank for him.

Here's what I require
He wants a similar airy draw to the cyclops with both air holes open max. Must have coils that's are replaceable as he says he is too old to struggle and build coils. The Atlantis is not an option is it spits too much and I fear it will discourage him. I have gifted him my ipv2s so now just need a tank I can send to him with some coils

Any suggestions will be appreciated.
You gotta try either the Aspire Nautilus or the Aspire Atlantis (for sub-ohm). I love both of these tanks! I did reviews on both on my channel in my signature.
But the Atlantis does work properly out of the box. If he's going to be scared off by a few snaps crackles and pops, then maybe vaping isn't for him. Because I'll bet right now that the subtank will make noise, and maybe even spit a bit.
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But the Atlantis does work properly out of the box. If he's going to be scared off by a few snaps crackles and pops, then maybe vaping isn't for him. Because I'll be right now that the subtank will make noise, and maybe even spit a bit.
I fully agree with this - all of my clearos spit a bit, but not so as to put me off using them.
After all smoking is way more risky... you have ash, that can burn stuff, you have smoke that can burn your eyes like a son of a b*** what you're inhaling will kill you and you can burn yourself in so many ways.
But the Atlantis does work properly out of the box. If he's going to be scared off by a few snaps crackles and pops, then maybe vaping isn't for him. Because I'll bet right now that the subtank will make noise, and maybe even spit a bit.
Totally disagree. I've used many thanks and only two of them spit. The Atlantis spur so much that I sold it after 2 days. I get what you saying about spitting and yes a few crackles is fine. But with the Atlantis it was too much for even me
Sounds like you may have gotten a dud, or it was packed with some bad coils.
After all smoking is way more risky... you have ash, that can burn stuff, you have smoke that can burn your eyes like a son of a b*** what you're inhaling will kill you and you can burn yourself in so many ways.

U thin you guys miss the point. I managed to get someone off stinkies. That's a win. Now to get the guy an enjoyable vape is not is not in anyway a bad thing. Comparing splitting of a tank to the harmfulness of smoking is jst not a fair comparison. It's a strange thing when u hear someone say vaping is not for someone especially when they someone has made a decision to quit smoking based on vaping
Sounds like you may have gotten a dud, or it was packed with some bad coils.
Very possible. I bought a spare pack of coils and those did the same. It's not for me and I wouldn't recommend it to a noob Vaper
Very possible. I bought a spare pack of coils and those did the same. It's not for me and I wouldn't recommend it to a noob Vaper
You might be right - I am not a sensitive user - the flavour and cloud makes up for a lot, but I am not still deciding and your friend is. Come to think of it, I really miss the Atlantis talking to me when I am on one of the RTAs, and they are so damn quiet! :).. Anyway - hope you have luck with the Kanger Sub. Haven't tried that one.
I do not mind either, but HRH is a pita in this regard. If it just gurgles a bit she refuses to vape it. If it spits all hell breaks loose. So, I understand completely.