Song Of The Day

Today 30 years ago this song was released. And music was changed for ever since.

Today 30 years ago this song was released. And music was changed for ever since.

For me Nirvana killed rock music's popularity. Don't get me wrong, I remember this song well from highschool and banged my head to it many a time, but the rest of their stuff was so dreary and depressing that it wasn't exactly "party" music like rock used to be. In my opinion that is why and where techno got a foothold. I also think Soundgarden beat Nirvana to the "1st ever grunge band" title, but what do I know....
For me Nirvana killed rock music's popularity. Don't get me wrong, I remember this song well from highschool and banged my head to it many a time, but the rest of their stuff was so dreary and depressing that it wasn't exactly "party" music like rock used to be. In my opinion that is why and where techno got a foothold. I also think Soundgarden beat Nirvana to the "1st ever grunge band" title, but what do I know....

The "grunge" culture was prevelant in Seattle since the 70's. None of the big 4 ever claimed to be the first grunge band.

If you look at the charts from 1991 and 1992 you will see a big difference. And it all started with this song.
At around 3:50 they unplugged the band because they went over curfew. But their in-ear monitors was still working and the band didn't notice. So the crowd took over.

My opinion: they should do it more often with Axl's mike.

Now The Score are one of the bands of choice blasting through my headphones when I race :inlove:
