Song Of The Day

1000 musicians play Learn to Fly by Foo Fighters to ask Dave Grohl to come and play in Cesena, Italy.
This is Rockin'1000 - Cesena 26.7.2015

1000 musicisti suonano Learn to Fly dei Foo Fighters per chiedere a Dave Grohl di venire a suonare a Cesena.
Tutto questo è Rockin'1000 - Romagna calling the Foo Fighters - e si è tenuto il 26 luglio 2015 proprio a Cesena.

Directed by Anita Rivaroli and Alberto Viavattene

Fabio Zaffagnini

His response
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ok so these songs may be before my time, but my mom always used to listed to them, and i love them.

sadly i lost all her Cd's. - but i am in bliss at this moment ..... :D

tis is when music was still music

o my i am having a ball

@PeterHarris , super videos, thanks
Fond memories too on my side.
These were not before my time -
Real music, I agree
I love Stevie Nicks almost as much as Dianne Krall - here's Stevie's latest:
