Song Of The Day

Another talented South African artist/duo that will be lost to most of the world because of the sad state of our music scene. Anyway, enjoy.

Multiple songs in my head today, can't cut down to one:

The White Buffalo - Joe & Jolene
NAILS - You Will Never Be One of Us
Comeback Kid - Wasted Arrows
I deleted the other two in the quote. It was for, Nails.
Dang, I didn't even pick up on that. Busy playing the Thousands of Miles Between Us DVD in the background now. Only way to survive a Friday with Jacob Bannon in my ears.
Propagandhi the political Thrash Metal/Punk band(In my top 10 all time fav bands) dropped their new album on Friday. Really enjoying it.

I’ve listened to it a few times now, and while I don’t think there is such a thing as a bad Propagandhi album, I’d put Potemkin City Limits and Failed States above Victory Lap. But that may change after a few more listens.

That being said, it’s always a good day when the guys (and ‘gal) release a new album.
I’ve listened to it a few times now, and while I don’t think there is such a thing as a bad Propagandhi album, I’d put Potemkin City Limits and Failed States above Victory Lap. But that may change after a few more listens.

That being said, it’s always a good day when the guys (and ‘gal) release a new album.

Can any album top this? :D
The debate rages on.

I was lucky enough to see them at the London Underworld on the Potemkin tour. Sick, sick, sick gig.

I am dangerously jealous.

I remember the guy who used to import the fat-wreckords stuff to SA, highly recommended them to me in 2001. Turned out to be one of my favorite bands of all time.
I am dangerously jealous.

I remember the guy who used to import the fat-wreckords stuff to SA, highly recommended them to me in 2001. Turned out to be one of my favorite bands of all time.

Having prided myself on knowing (or thinking I did) all things punk, around 1997/8 a friend in Pretoria was playing a mixtape in his car, and it had “Ska Sucks” and “Haillie Sellasse, Up Your Ass” on it, I was immediately taken by them, and that afternoon I went out and bought “How to clean everything” and “Less Talk, More Rock”. The love affair has only become stronger since then.