Tried my first SS build on the GEM RTA.
SS304, 27 g, 7 wraps contact coil around a 2.5 mm mandrel. Resulted in a 0.61 ohms resistance.
Really easy wire to work with. You can torch and dry burn it. Just a tad more springy than Kanthal.
Decided to try it in TC mode on the SX Mini M class (set on standard power). Set the TCR to 0.00105. "Compensate temperature" at 25 C - set this to your room temperature as I understand it. Vaping at 20 J and 220 C. Same juice, same RTA, and same wicking material (Cotton Bacon V2) I have used to try Nickel and Titanium.
On Kanthal, Ni and Ti the vape was essentially the same for me. With this SS I pick up a slight difference. Flavour slightly less intense and the vape is somewhat smoother (less throat hit), but I still need to play around with the settings (Joules and Temperature).
SS304, 27 g, 7 wraps contact coil around a 2.5 mm mandrel. Resulted in a 0.61 ohms resistance.
Really easy wire to work with. You can torch and dry burn it. Just a tad more springy than Kanthal.
Decided to try it in TC mode on the SX Mini M class (set on standard power). Set the TCR to 0.00105. "Compensate temperature" at 25 C - set this to your room temperature as I understand it. Vaping at 20 J and 220 C. Same juice, same RTA, and same wicking material (Cotton Bacon V2) I have used to try Nickel and Titanium.
On Kanthal, Ni and Ti the vape was essentially the same for me. With this SS I pick up a slight difference. Flavour slightly less intense and the vape is somewhat smoother (less throat hit), but I still need to play around with the settings (Joules and Temperature).