Standard wire

Jean claude Vaaldamme

Elite Vaper
I dont know if Im crazy or doing something wrong.
When I started I just bought a roll of 24ga ni80 standard wire. Flavour was good, but had nothing to compare it with. Since then I have used clapton, fused clapton, alien etc wire/coils. Also vandy vape superfine clapton since I started more on the mtl/ restricted dl.
Anyway on the smaller or should I say higher ohm builds for mtl I did not use standard wire, as I only had the 24ga that is a bit to thick. Also on my two Vapefly's 1 rda and 1 rdta, I always get a bit better flavour on the rdta. So with my Red Pill I ordered some 28ga ni80. Now I first rewicked the rdta, still with the VV superfine coil and flavour was excellent. Then now I decided to try my new coil jig and the 28ga stardard wire on the rda. Wow best flavour yet. Much better than on the rdta.
So I dont know why, but I seem to get better flavour out standard wire than all these fancy wires
The secret to any coil is the quality of the wire! Any mass produced premade exotic coil made in China is going to be crap! Get some coils from one of the good coil makers on the forum and you won't believe the difference!

I thought the whole exotic coil thing was a scam until @RiaanRed sent me some coils to test.
Alien1.jpg Aliens2.jpg
The secret to any coil is the quality of the wire! Any mass produced premade exotic coil made in China is going to be crap! Get some coils from one of the good coil makers on the forum and you won't believe the difference!

I thought the whole exotic coil thing was a scam until @RiaanRed sent me some coils to test.
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Yes maybe Im to stupid and dont know how to wick it right or what watts to use. @Amir gave me some fancy wire once, and seeing all his fancy gear, Im sure it is good wire, and the flavour on them is good, but like I said, maybe I just doing something wrong as the stardard wire keeps giving me better taste. Maybe the stardard wire work better with the cheap cotton they sold me with me first ever visit to a vape shop>:)
Yes maybe Im to stupid and dont know how to wick it right or what watts to use. @Amir gave me some fancy wire once, and seeing all his fancy gear, Im sure it is good wire, and the flavour on them is good, but like I said, maybe I just doing something wrong as the stardard wire keeps giving me better taste. Maybe the stardard wire work better with the cheap cotton they sold me with me first ever visit to a vape shop>:)

The coils and cotton are the most important part of the equation and of course the tank or RDA. Also, different people like different types of vape and maybe the standard coils you are making are ideal for your taste. What resistance are your standard coils?
The one I build now , was first with standard wire for mtl, it came to 1.4ohm, vaping at 15watts

Ahhhhh that answers the question then... 1.4 Ohm is a really high resistance by today's standard... but if it's working for you then that's great! The exotic coils will be a much lower resistance and that may be why you are getting such a big difference.
IMHO there are tons of factors which affect flavour :

Type of wire (kanthal, SS, NI etc)
Type of coil (round wire, ribbon, mesh, claptons, exotic etc)
Cotton brand
How you wick (including the amount of cotton, thinning and length)
ID of your coil
Single of dual coil
Which RDA, RTA, RDTA, RDA BF you use (size of chamber, air flow, drip tip)
Wattage used
Placement of coil/s
Type of juice used (fruit, bakery etc)
PG/VG ratio
Type and amount of nic
Age of coil
Temp control

There are probably many more factors, but let's leave it at those I have mentioned.

With all the factors at play, you could use the "best" coils available (lightly killed and harvested by virgins at dawn on the southern slopes) and still get "bad" flavour. If one or several of the other factors are not optimum the best coils could provide an inferior vaping experience than simple round wire builds.

If all the other factors are optimum then the "best" coils may provide the best flavour.

In light of the factors mentioned above, IMO it is quite possible that you are not "crazy" :) @Jean claude Vaaldamme , and that it is quite possible to get better flavour from simple round wire under certain conditions.
You’re not crazy, I agree with you @Jean claude Vaaldamme .

I’ve tried coils from Smilelykumeenit, and most recently a set of fused claptons from one of our vendors which I installed in my Pyro V2. Had a few puffs then took them out, and replaced them with my Lightning Vapes clapton wire... boom, flavour!
Just for interest sake, what wattage did you fire the exotic coils at?

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Well that depended, some of the really fancy one's I did not use in mtl, used it in Recurve or wasp, because they came in at between 0.3 and 0.8 ohms, so watts on them was between 25-50watts
I dont know if you can call the Vandy Vape superfine clapton exotic, but I used them in the mtl, they are at +- 1.5ohms also 12-15watts
I completely agree with @Puff the Magic Dragon - I started using SS316L Wire and just plain coils for my dual RDA and double stranded for my single coil OFRF Gear RTA.

Best flavour ever. Haven't looked back on those fancy coils and these plain ones are easy to work with.
@RainstormZA I agree with you. Coincidently I built my Wasp with double-stranded SS yesterday. It delivers very good flavour.

I think that our minds often play tricks with us. If we believe that something is better, for whatever reason, then it is better. I think that blindfolded tests with different coils will produce strange results. I certainly wouldn't bet on myself if asked to discern between a clapton coil and a super exotic XYZ coil.
Unfortunately there is no 'best' wire for every atty. You have to experiment with what works for your set up and with exotic low ohm coils do not be afraid to pump up the watts. The vandy vape superfine mtl wire I have personally found very average over a number of different devices and seems to have an issue with twisting, maybe I got a bad spool.

Geekvape makes some decent pre-built wires to experiment with styles, personally haven't found much difference between their say claptons and hand-made ones. Also try different metals personally I can only use Ni80 with coffee flavours, it beats everything else there but I prefer SS for the most part.
@RainstormZA I agree with you. Coincidently I built my Wasp with double-stranded SS yesterday. It delivers very good flavour.

I think that our minds often play tricks with us. If we believe that something is better, for whatever reason, then it is better. I think that blindfolded tests with different coils will produce strange results. I certainly wouldn't bet on myself if asked to discern between a clapton coil and a super exotic XYZ coil.
Yeah that it does our minds in. We all just have to work with what works for each if us.
Definitely not crazy @Jean claude Vaaldamme

My best build in my goon is 22g kanthal 8 wraps. Nothing has come close to it regardless what I put in there.

Like Rob said, if it works for you then it works for you.
I have also found in some MTL tanks that plain round wire is better than vv superfine.

For me personally the vv superfine was made for the Billet Box. Cannot get it to work in another tank. @Jean claude Vaaldamme we need to get you a BB. Think you will enjoy the heck out of that.
I have also found in some MTL tanks that plain round wire is better than vv superfine.

For me personally the vv superfine was made for the Billet Box. Cannot get it to work in another tank. @Jean claude Vaaldamme we need to get you a BB. Think you will enjoy the heck out of that.
Hehe noooo. I will have stopped vaping long before I saved enough money for a BB
Good thread @Jean claude Vaaldamme

I dont think you are crazy

What I find is that for the higher ohm builds and lower power - on certain juices - I get better flavour from a simple 28ga single coil than an exotic coil (eg clapton, alien etc)

I figured out why though. Its up to personal preference and the juice involved.

I like some of my vapes very crisp and "sharp". I find with a standard 28ga single coil the flavour is crisp. Sort of "one dimensional". And depending on the juice, it just works for me and I much prefer the vape experience and crystal clear flavour on those coils. This is typically for higher nic strength juices.

I find the exotic coils give a broader sort of flavour. More rounded. A bit blunt versus sharp. More "base", less "treble" if it were listening to music on a HIFI. To me, this works much better with more airflow and higher power. And for me it suits the dessert type of juices.

I find the Vandyvape superfine MTL wire (fused clapton with thin gauge cores and even thinner outers) is sort of inbetween the two above. Its fairly crisp but not as crisp as the standard 28ga wire. But its crisper than the bigger exotics. I use these in tanks like the Skyline and Dvarw DL because when I try "normal coils" with 28ga wire, it feels like its not enough vapour. Needs more oomph. I think its because of the design of those tanks (and their airflow and shape) that they work better with the Vandyvape superfine MTL wire at say 25 Watts than a simple coil at say 10-15 Watts.

One needs to experiment with all these coil types and wire types - and make some notes as you go - until you find something that works well for you - for your vape style AND the juice you like vaping in it. Then you lock it down and occasionally tinker to see if you can improve on it.
I'm surprised that you use Vandyvape coils @Silver. I have it on great authority that all Chinese premade coils are "crap".

@Puff the Magic Dragon , I am using the Vandyvape Superfine MTL wire. It comes in a spool and you wrap your own coil with it. So not a premade coil as such.

Wouldnt say its crap. I find it very good.

Probably not as good as an equivalent custom made coil with higher quality wire I suppose
But have to say that my coils using this wire perform very well indeed and i enjoy them a lot.
And i can make whatever ID and number of wraps I want.

They also last long for me. One coil i had was going nicely many months after initial installation. It was on fruity menthol lightly coloured juices that dont gunk the coils too much though.

I have tried one or two other mass produced ready made coils a while back. Cant remember if it was UD or another brand. But they were quite cheap. Like R80 for 10 coils in a little tub. They were not good and didnt last. Also i recall on a few of them when installed they didnt pulse nicely and had hot spots that wouldnt go away.
Just pulling your leg @Silver. The do sell premade coils from the same wire.


I'm sure that the coils are great. I have no problem using Chinese coils. I'm using an Artery Hive mesh coil at the moment and the flavour is outstanding. I have used it for a month and no real change in taste yet. I keep thinking that it is time to change to a new one but stop myself because it is still fine.
Just pulling your leg @Silver. The do sell premade coils from the same wire.


I'm sure that the coils are great. I have no problem using Chinese coils. I'm using an Artery Hive mesh coil at the moment and the flavour is outstanding. I have used it for a month and no real change in taste yet. I keep thinking that it is time to change to a new one but stop myself because it is still fine.

Thanks @Puff the Magic Dragon

Ya, i know what you mean about the decision to change a coil. What i find is that the flavour degrades very slowly. Doesnt fall suddenly. So it makes it very difficult to know when to change. And often when i do change the flavour seems a lot better. I suppose its a good idea to change fairly regularly but if its still working well and one is enjoying the vape then i say let it continue...

I also am trying to save time and i dont like pitstopping too often.
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