Starting Out Right - Die Kriek's Vaping Diary

A good way to keep track is using a banner, like many of us have - see below my message. Just click on it to make your own.
I actually quite like not knowing. Whenever I went cold turkey, I could probably tell you down to the minute when last I had an analogue. With vaping I cannot remember, because it doesn't carry weight any more. 8--)
I actually quite like not knowing. Whenever I went cold turkey, I could probably tell you down to the minute when last I had an analogue. With vaping I cannot remember, because it doesn't carry weight any more. 8--)
Whatever works best for you is great for me. I must know for myself and give myself a tap on the shoulder every day:).
I must know for myself and give myself a tap on the shoulder every day:).
Wow, that's 284 taps, shoulder must be starting to hurt by now! But I fully agree, counting the days is a fun little reminder.
This daily diary @Die Kriek is such a good thing, I do enjoy following your progress.

Keep up the great stuff.
Whatever works best for you is great for me. I must know for myself and give myself a tap on the shoulder every day:).

1 year stinkie-free in your sights @Matthee !
Day 6. First day at work since I became a vaper. One co-worker has already remarked it wont be too long till I'm back on the stinkies. Ga! Will need to speak to the boss about vaping in the workshop, got so used to just picking up my vape at random times and just taking a puff or 2

As for juice selection, after finishing the Peach2 yesterday, I decided to just load a few drops of Vanilla Custard in to test, took 3 puffs, topped up the tank and didn't even touch my other tank until I had downed the last drop! Seems my throat was just not used to 18mg yet on day 1. Well, it's used to it now, and Vanilla Custard has just leapfrogged every single juice in my arsenal to become my new favourite!

When I eventually finished the VC, I loaded up some VE Original. My tastebuds are definitely doing something, because it's a completely new juice to me now. First time I loaded it it was very sweet, yesterday it was way different, not as sweet, heavier taste, could definitely tell it was tobacco!

Loaded today is VK4 in tank 1, VKB Mixed Berries with a hint of VM Menthol Ice in tank 2, with TopQ coffee in the pouch as backup
Good going Kriek, just love to follow your vaping journey here.
Day 6. First day at work since I became a vaper. One co-worker has already remarked it wont be too long till I'm back on the stinkies. Ga! Will need to speak to the boss about vaping in the workshop, got so used to just picking up my vape at random times and just taking a puff or 2

As for juice selection, after finishing the Peach2 yesterday, I decided to just load a few drops of Vanilla Custard in to test, took 3 puffs, topped up the tank and didn't even touch my other tank until I had downed the last drop! Seems my throat was just not used to 18mg yet on day 1. Well, it's used to it now, and Vanilla Custard has just leapfrogged every single juice in my arsenal to become my new favourite!

When I eventually finished the VC, I loaded up some VE Original. My tastebuds are definitely doing something, because it's a completely new juice to me now. First time I loaded it it was very sweet, yesterday it was way different, not as sweet, heavier taste, could definitely tell it was tobacco!

Loaded today is VK4 in tank 1, VKB Mixed Berries with a hint of VM Menthol Ice in tank 2, with TopQ coffee in the pouch as backup
You are on your way, bro. Take a bet with that co-worker!
Well done @Die Kriek, i seriously hate the neigh sayers... how can your co-worker say something like that! after this weekend with my dad, i nearly gave up on getting him back on his twisp, but by the time i left on Sunday he had left his stinkies up in the room in the cupboard and he was back on his vaping journey, with my mom converted too! she's sending her courier down to me to come pick up my other twisp for her :) If we want to get away from the stinkies, WE CAN!!! no matter what who says!!! Rock on dude!!! You are doing great!!! :rock:
Lesson time. Bring spare coils to work! One tank is now sitting happy in the pouch, unusable thanks to a burnt coil
hahaha shame dude, well hopefully you still have another tank with you?
hahaha awh shame dude! that's horrible... maybe try mixing some of your vk4 into your mixed berry directly out of the tank :) that way you don't have to vape mixed berry alone the whole day :)
hahaha awh shame dude! that's horrible... maybe try mixing some of your vk4 into your mixed berry directly out of the tank :) that way you don't have to vape mixed berry alone the whole day :)
Interesting. Never considered that mix. Will try it and report back
Been vaping on the VK4/Berry mix as suggested by @Metal Liz. About 30/40% berries to 60/70% VK4. Very strange but pleasant taste. I can't quite make out all the components though, but the clouds are HUGE. That is kinda odd
hahaha i'm glad it's working for you! :) i've never tried the VK4 so i just thought maybe you'd like it if you mix it... i like mixing the different flavours hahaha ;-)
Congrats @Die Kriek you are kicking some serious stinky ass :D have no doubt that you will a permanent vaper and be healthier for it. Another stinker bites the dust....

Keep us in the loop, we all are very proud when a friend is successfully converted.

Glad you are now able to tolerate the 18mg, at least it's not a waste.

Your taste buds are still gonna change quite a bit over the next few months luckily you seem to have a decent juice selection to support this.... best of luck and keep it up
Thanks @ShaneW, and so far I have not found a juice I don't like (yet). They aren't all perfect, but none are unvapeable. And like with the VE Original, a lot of the flavours are like a whole new experience second time around, which makes this even more fun!
Day 7! Gotta love my tastebuds, damn tricksters!! Yesterday's coil fiasco turned out to not be a burnt coil at all, but my tastebuds deciding to let me taste some more of the finer points of a tobacco flavour. I have since had VK4 and VE Original on 2 other coils, one of them brand new, and I get that same taste, what I thought was a burnt coil taste. To be absolutely sure I ran some TopQ Coffee on the coil I thought was burnt, and nothing but coffee comes through (which I'm starting to dislike :worried:). Live and learn I guess

On today's menu, @Metal Liz's suggested VK4/Mixed Berry blend. Which I'm now calling the Lizzy Mix. It's really starting to grow on me, and the best of all is I can change flavours by just changing the voltage. 3.8 and below I get berries with a light vanilla aftertaste, above 4.3 the tobacco and caramel rule. I just need to watch I don't wear out the volts dial :rofl:.

In the other tank there is still some Coffee left, but I'm thinking of just flushing it and topping up with some VM Peach2Rooibos. I don't know why, coffee was one of my favourites when I tried it the first time.
Awesome journey - your taste buds are making a comeback. Time to start thinking of your next juice order!