Thanks Andre


Mad Mixologist
It's extremely delayed, but I'd like to make a public shoutout to @Andre

I recently replaced my Picos with serpent minis on with BBs, and had prepared to give away the Picos to some people trying to quit stinkies. I posted a wanted ad, hoping to purchase some Melos for these mods, as I didn't want these people to have to learn how to build etc when starting.

Cue Andre (and a portrait picture)


He hooked me up with 2 to go along with my mods, free of charge! But wait, there's more! He also pif'd some extra goodies, RBA thingies, tweezers, a tank rubber (protection, heh) and some coils.

Thanks again Andre, was great to briefly meet and hopefully I'll get a chance to chat in person sometime soon. The community is lucky to have someone like you involved. Also, they were very well received and I'm glad to report, both tanks (well actually all 3 setups I gave away) are still being used, around 3 weeks after making the switch. Hoping that it sticks

Awesome gesture @Andre

And great to hear you gave away this gear to enable new vapers @Mike
Thanks also for sharing the story!
Too modest, as always, @Mike. Despite my prior protestations I got a huge bottle of a to be released awesome juice for my little trouble - thank you. Always such a pleasure to be involved in getting anyone off the stinkies.

Yeah, pity we could not chat properly. Next time.
Too modest, as always, @Mike. Despite my prior protestations I got a huge bottle of a to be released awesome juice for my little trouble - thank you. Always such a pleasure to be involved in getting anyone off the stinkies.

Yeah, pity we could not chat properly. Next time.

I knew you wouldn't have accepted any money, but it was the most meaningful thing I could think of and really do hope it was well received (besides assuming that you've lowered nic :rofl: ). I've taken so long to launch it that I'm already almost out of stock from the beta-testers pestering me for top-ups :-D :-D

Definitely coffee or a beer, on me, next time!