The Chatroom

Testing after brewing/infusing and then steeping. All these are flavour concentrates - or at least the spices will be...the rooibos, i think it might be....i dunno, maybe it would need like 30% or more, even 50% - iow, would have to mix with only VG Nicotine.

This is all experimental, with only some intuition for guidelines. :D Or themes, maybe, raher than guidelines.

So, the rooibos, i dunno. i will test it, taste it, at like 20%, see what that's like. Depends, like do you like rooibos tea. i don't, i don't like the smell of it, when someone makes it next to me in the office kitchen when i'm getting coffee. i don't even drink tea. But somehow i got the idea that rooibos might be nice for vaping, with spices to perk it up.

The spices are for adding to tobacco a synthetic tobacco flavour as the base flavour, with a few drops of jeera and maybe cinnamon and so on. But that's all part of the tobacco story, the NET story. [...]
The goal is to get to an EDV; tobacco ++.

ooh, ja, there is one exception to my rule, though - skyblue Happy Holidays. That's shown me that i can like something other than tobacco - but not as ADV, and it's not going to lead me back into trying other flavours. The rule still stands - no fruit flavours, definitely no bakery/cake flavours. One thing i learned from it, is that a little menthol can be nice; but menthol, not any mint flavours.

Thank goodness for internet forums. :cool:
i was even trying to change my avatar pic to tobacco leaves. Make a statement.
@Cat very interesting ideas. I don't like tea either, but then I've been vaping many flavours of which I would never consider cosuming the real product - I will not now, nor will I ever, consider vaping a broccoli and/or cauliflower juice :eek::D

I think I'm just excited by the idea of snatching a flavour from a real world thing and vaping it. Just seems almost magical, except it's totally I'm confused...but excited :rofl:
This one i'd never heard of before...

Wow, me either...and LOL @ "Cloudy" :rofl:

Looking at that I think vaping products need to come with a sticker too "Warning: Vaping can Bankrupt You" ;)
Note how that warning looks like a label stuck onto the pack. "Looks like", but it's incorporated or sort of superimposed on the original packet printing. Something i saw on Wesley's Tobacconist site yesterday...

Houseblend tobaccos have always been an important part of Wesley’s business.
They allow us to continue to offer a comprehensive range of both natural and aromatic blends (and combinations) while the branded counterparts have been disappearing from our market – especially the English-type blends.

Not long ago the Department of Health decided, in their wisdom, that adhesive health warnings which can be removed from the containers (with no matter how much difficulty), are no longer acceptable. Normally that applies to tins and plastic pouches or containers.
This could be the end for even more tobacco brands, where the warning is not actually printed on the container.

i suppose that would mean packaged tobacco from countries that don't have the mandatory warning law, but it would also be an issue for tobacco blenders/brands like Mac Baren, that the warning would have to comply with the specifications of all the countries where the product is sold.
hah :D ja Johan, i spent a couple hours there last night, and with Wesley's. :D
it's coming together, all the learning about NET and tobaccos. Like one oke said on the ecf NET thread, his learning about tobaccos had only started after he got into vaping and NETs. Same with me.
i think i need tobaccos from both Wesley's and Sturk's. Wesley's list Zoggy's at Gateway mall but i doubt that they'd have the specific Wesley's house blends i want, so i'll probably have to order them, to Zoggy's, They do say all over the site that it is illegal to use postal services or to use internet for selling.
ja, the reviews there are helpful. A very long list. i see that the NET guys go by the blenders' descriptions, and one of the main NET makers uses the blenders' descriptions for most of her NET juices and extracts, verbatim.
...And i'm that close to buying a pipe. :rolleyes: ...Just think, none of this extraction/maceration, filtering, experimenting,...just learn how to fill a pipe - and i'm sure i'd stuff it up doing what they say most beginners do - too many rapid hits, overheating it. i tell myself, you don't want to spend R1000 or so on a pipe, that you might not use, that you don't want to use. And cheap pipes, nah, that could be even worse.
...And i'm that close to buying a pipe. :rolleyes: ...Just think, none of this extraction/maceration, filtering, experimenting,...just learn how to fill a pipe - and i'm sure i'd stuff it up doing what they say most beginners do - too many rapid hits, overheating it. i tell myself, you don't want to spend R1000 or so on a pipe, that you might not use, that you don't want to use. And cheap pipes, nah, that could be even worse.

Don't give in to the dark side :eek:
>:) You see, the tobacco craving - or the tobacco liking...certainly not cigarettes - i feel a bit peeved when i think of what all i was smoking. ...i also tell myself, at least it would not be as bad as cigarettes - but of course it is still smoke.
btw, pipe smoking has increased in the US - because of the taxes, it works out much less expensive to smoke a pipe. And there is the image thing, that has changed, cigarettes stopped being cool long ago,and there's all the nice descriptions of pipe tobaccos, all the traditional stuff that sounds nice.
>:) You see, the tobacco craving - or the tobacco liking...certainly not cigarettes - i feel a bit peeved when i think of what all i was smoking. ...i also tell myself, at least it would not be as bad as cigarettes - but of course it is still smoke.
btw, pipe smoking has increased in the US - because of the taxes, it works out much less expensive to smoke a pipe. And there is the image thing, that has changed, cigarettes stopped being cool long ago,and there's all the nice descriptions of pipe tobaccos, all the traditional stuff that sounds nice.

I actually switched to smoking pipe tobacco (rolled my own cigs with it) for 13 years before I started vaping. And it was every bit as bad as the cigs (with the increased tar it's actually worse in some respects) - except it smelled a lot nicer :D

And it was a lot cheaper too ;)
:O 13 years! ...Did you never try pipe? ja, i know, they are fiddly, most unsuited to modern hectic lifestyle. (Nice reading about all laid-back old style English and American references in these pipe tobacco descriptions.) The first thing i think about with pipes is gettting juice in the mouth. Although i suppose now with the filters that doesn't happen.
The tar, i don't terms of the phlegmy/chest effect it would produce, compared to cigarettes. But it doesn't have the chemicals.

(Another subject there, that i've been learning and revising my ideas about extracts.Casings and aromatics, iow flavourings.)
:O 13 years! ...Did you never try pipe? ja, i know, they are fiddly, most unsuited to modern hectic lifestyle. (Nice reading about all laid-back old style English and American references in these pipe tobacco descriptions.) The first thing i think about with pipes is gettting juice in the mouth. Although i suppose now with the filters that doesn't happen.
The tar, i don't terms of the phlegmy/chest effect it would produce, compared to cigarettes. But it doesn't have the chemicals.

(Another subject there, that i've been learning and revising my ideas about extracts.Casings and aromatics, iow flavourings.)

I had a small pipe that I got from my grandfather, a nice little Briar Shorty (a stealth pipe, in as much as a tobacco pipe can be stealthy), but I only used it a handful of times. It just didn't really suit me to "whip out" a pipe :D Was a nice smoke, but I much prefered the rollies. The fact that those tobaccos have less additives becomes apparent when you light them and they go out 30secs later as they have no accelarants (or whatever they use to keep a cigarette burning. This was great to me, but I did burn through lighters / ligher fluid like a madman ;)

I also smoked them unfiltered and over time they wreaked havoc on my lung capacity. This was exactly what led me to looking seriously at vaping. I enjoyed it, but I would definitely not go back to it - vaping is now my normal :)

Just found the pipe, here's a pic:

yeah i can't afford to lose any more lung capacity, i think it's a major weak point. ...And i like not having that phlegm/congestion. (And my mom, she had also got to more than 20 a day.) Not that i had much of it, but i realised after a few weeks of vaping.
uhhh, that...saltpetre, i always forget the chemical name, provides oxygen in combustion, used to make gunpowder. Cigarette companies reduced it a few years ago; we noticed that our cigarettes kept going out, then only found out some time later, that cig companies had been asked to reduce it. Somehow. But there are many other chemicals in cigarettes. Flavour enhancers, "addiction enhancers",..........Why i would prefer to avoid using that sort of stuff in eliquid. Like that Smooth and Vape Wizard and so on.

PS: This "pipe idea", come to think of it, i could always roll a skyf like that with the pipe tobacco i get for extracts, no need to get involved in it with a pipe.

PPS: Potassium Nitrate ...reminded in google results, it is majorly used in preserving meats - ham and salted beef and so on. Sausages.
Lung capacity is a very rare commodity, and vaping (or maybe just lack of smoking) has given me quite a bit of it back ;)

I'd rather invest in an e-Pipe :D

That said, if you do want to test the pipe tobacco, rolling is a very easy way to go. I can even do it while driving ;)
Obviously it's not ideal, but if you can keep it in check...maybe one every now and then just for the taste, then it's no worse than getting fall down drunk during New Years :giggle:

I'm steering clear of tobacco as far as possible (I don't even vape tobacco flavours frequently), as the word "moderation" does not seem to exist in my vocabulary :)
i think moderation could be included in my vocabulary now.
i think moderation could be included in my vocabulary now.

Good for you...I'd like to but after way too many benders (on various things) that lasted months or years, I've just given in and now either stop or go all out...I really have trouble with idling ;)
I don't miss smoking but I do miss my pipes. man that was some good smoking. I wont take it up again but that is one part of my smoking life that will be sorely missed.
I don't miss smoking but I do miss my pipes. man that was some good smoking. I wont take it up again but that is one part of my smoking life that will be sorely missed.

I totally agree...there are some parts of smoking that I do miss. I found rolling my cigs very relaxing, my little ritual before smoking.

Luckily now I've replaced that ritual with coil building and/or wicking :rock:

You definitely need to get yourself a pipe though, just to "scratch that itch" ;)
The first one is on its way. but its only shipping on the 15th so got a bit of wait. Seriously cannot wait though. The second one will hopefully come end of this month.

Like I said I am not giving up on my new years resolution. :rofl: