The Elephant in the room

gott in hemmel

So you are saying that you will never use anyone elses receipes so long as you no longer share your own? If not then absolutely no one has made any incorrect assumptions.
You came in here with what I would admit is decent intent, but then ramp up in complete over-drive because people didn't get whipped up in to a rabid frenzy to join you on your crusade. You further go on to compare us to being complacent in "criminal" activities even trying to loosely associate our beliefs and input with an almost reverse broken-window theory. You then go on to accuse some members as being part of this underbelly of juice makers simply because they disagree with you. You then make several contradictory statements and end off with a self-righteous speech insinuating that we're all perhaps amoral and you will just continue the good fight on your own. Maybe you should get off of the soapboxes you've balanced on your high horse, come down to the ground and meet the rest of us, perhaps you will then understand subscribing to logic and reality leaves you with some (perhaps unfortunate) truths.
For the love of all things holy, how on gods green earth did you deduct all that from what I said. did I just offend you in some way maybe?... or is it just that maybe you feel like you have to somehow try and assert yourself over people as a show of machinssimo. Because godonlyknows that to have taken the time to write all that must mean you really have an issue with me and not so much the topic.
now I m no genius, its just my dad used to be like that, thats how I know. Yes I know daddy issues. Maybe thats makes you right, who knows these things, right?

I often find debate is degragded to slander where the slanderer no longer have something constructive to bring to the discussion..

Oh dear.I have resorted to slandering perhaps I have nothing constructive to add anymore either
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I recently have had an incident with a guy going around (someone I've never met or spoken to) to stores claiming he mixes for us and trying to pawn off some of his own mixes.
I suppose the con is that because he is our "head mixer" his stuff must be good & shops should buy it.
These kind of things seem to be happening more often now.
I have actually been told about this guy at my local Vape king
Popcorn aside, the one thing lacking from this debate is the admission from a guitly prominent juice maker that they have used recipes they took online and defending their case. why is that?

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that will never happen zander you and i both know that.
why is that?

They're not allowed to comment on their products in this forum. But you can just ask them. I tuned a commercial oke last week "This juice is Pebbles, bru, you stole this from Manson." He said "I AM Manson, LMAO." I said "You can't be because I'm Manson." Next thing, we both have our cell phones out and we're logging in to ATF to prove we're Manson. I mean, one of us must be lying, amirite? Things get hectic when you're a pirate, jong.
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So if we say that this is "ok" why do people who are stealing or "remaking" these recipes for profit not say to the original maker, hey im making your stuff up to buy a ferrari.

If there is nothing wrong with it or people should not be ashamed of using a publicly shared recipe. then why not admit to it? i mean the majority of people in this thread have said its cool... the brand that stole the recipe would then suffer no backlash? or am i wrong?
I'm sure most of you have made/aware of Kreed's Kustard - regarded by many/most as the best custard eliquid around...

See his little quagmire here. It relates directly to this argument, albeit with a different twist. See how he handles the situation, as a world class mixer:


The post is from a closed group so I can't share the link.

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@zandernwn it`s clear you feel passionate about this. And with passion comes emotion. That aside, profiting from a recipe found on the internet, shared by DIY`ers does not seem to be illegal. Unethical but not illegal. I am no way condoning recipe theft but unfortunately the interwebs is a big place and there’s all sorts of people that frequent it, even unscrupulous ones. That is a reality of life. By your own admission you say that one of the ingredients will have been subbed because it’s not available in SA. That imo would technically not make it theft as it’s not true to the original.

On to the next point. Is there any way that you can guarantee that no two people could come up with the exact same flavour profile, never mind the exact same recipe, independently of each other? I think that would also be a stretch to prove. I’m sure there are DIY`ers/mixologists out there who have come up with similar/exact flavour profiles using different ingredients. I personally do not have a clue as to who or what the juice you are referring to could be but being the resourceful person that I am I will probably find out eventually. What I’m getting at here is that calling someone out publicly could lead down legal avenues.What you could do is post a link to the orignal recipe/s or the orignal names/flavour profiles here so that we, that are not in the know, know what to look out for. (You see that`s me being resourceful:D)
If there is nothing wrong with it or people should not be ashamed of using a publicly shared recipe. then why not admit to it? i mean the majority of people in this thread have said its cool... the brand that stole the recipe would then suffer no backlash? or am i wrong?

You are conflating "recipes are not copyrightable" and "recipe theft is inevitable if you post recipes on a public forum" with "recipe theft is perfectly acceptable". They are not the same thing. If you leave you car idling while you pop into a shop to buy something, then people will ask "What did you think was going to happen?" when your car is stolen. And so will your insurance company. That doesn't mean they condone car theft and think it's cool. It means they hold you responsible for looking after that which is valuable to you.

Coca-Cola and KFC know that they can't publish their recipes in the public domain. They look after that which is valuable to them. Is there a reason why DIY shouldn't abide by the same principle?
As for my - personal - research has pointed out to me: Certain things cant be copyrighted/patented. One of those things are scents. That is why you could walk into a Red Square and pay R1800 for 50ml of Coolwaters by Davidoff in a flashy bottle or, you could come to me and I will sell you 50ml for R140 of my perfume which is simply branded as "Inspired by Coolwaters" and which I make up in my garage over weekends and smells exactly like the original. As long as I'm not bottling my perfume in the same manner as the original perfume maker and marketing it as the original, then I'm still safe/legal.
While scents can be patented, it generally isnt since the makers thereof, would have to fully disclose all ingredients used in it's make up. This just opens them up to so many more individual perfume makers infringing on their recipe and selling exact copies of their scent that they rather dont bother with patents.

I'd imagine the same, or roughly the same, logic can/is applied to (e-liquid) tastes. The juice just isnt really worth the squeeze at the end of the day.
pun intended :partyhat:

People are going to want to make a buck regardless - and given half the chance, they will find a way to.
Such is life.
I am a mad supported of a local manufacturer, not just because of taste, but because the guy went the extra mile for me. Doesn't know me at all, but gave me the time of day. Therefore, if that line of recipes were all stolen from someone else, I'd STILL buy it and wouldn't care.

However, and now I'm contradicting myself, if I came across someone cloning this guy's stuff, I'd be p'ed off, and wouldn't touch it, because I'd be supporting his opposition.

That first impression, not from the distributors like Vape King (though I love you people) but from the mixer himself, is what makes me buy that brand, and only that, unless my husband does the shopping. Then I end up with nice stuff, but it never hits the spot like

I want to mix my own, not to sell, I'd never have the damn time to even consider that, but for myself, and even then I'd still buy that brand.
I am a mad supported of a local manufacturer, not just because of taste, but because the guy went the extra mile for me. Doesn't know me at all, but gave me the time of day. Therefore, if that line of recipes were all stolen from someone else, I'd STILL buy it and wouldn't care.

However, and now I'm contradicting myself, if I came across someone cloning this guy's stuff, I'd be p'ed off, and wouldn't touch it, because I'd be supporting his opposition.

That first impression, not from the distributors like Vape King (though I love you people) but from the mixer himself, is what makes me buy that brand, and only that, unless my husband does the shopping. Then I end up with nice stuff, but it never hits the spot like

I want to mix my own, not to sell, I'd never have the damn time to even consider that, but for myself, and even then I'd still buy that brand.
If you want to start DIY, have a look at All Day Vapes' DIY selection. Flavour is already combined, just mix with vg pg and nic and bobs your uncle. No struggeling with testing recipes and what not. His prices are excellent and you cant go wrong with the price. If been diying for 3 years, but since ive used his stuff i wont even look back
If you want to start DIY, have a look at All Day Vapes' DIY selection. Flavour is already combined, just mix with vg pg and nic and bobs your uncle. No struggeling with testing recipes and what not. His prices are excellent and you cant go wrong with the price. If been diying for 3 years, but since ive used his stuff i wont even look back