The Passing of @Ernest

Sorry to hear. Condolences to his family during this tough time. I always saw his profile picture and thought this guy looks like Chuck Norris.
I am so sad to read this.
@Wendyvz - my deepest condolences and empathy, but I also know no words can take the hurt away, just know I am praying for you guys for strength in this terrible time.
Remember that, no matter what anyone says, you don't have to be strong, you have the right to break down, it is up to those whom surround you to keep you from falling apart, and be strong for you.

As time passes the huge gap will eventually grow smaller, and later be healed, although the scar will remain.

Love and light Girl
All my love:h:
p.s. I have an ear, when you feel to talk, just pm for my number.
@Wendyvz ...... did not know your dad but I know how it feels to lose one.
I am not very religious but I know what helps is thinking about the good times a lot and realising his pain is over.
Try to stay active and surround yourself with friends and/or family.
Dad might be gone but his genes will always be part of you. :)
Stay strong and we will be here if you need someone to talk to.
Oh man this is sad news indeed. @Ernest (AKA Mr. Norris) will be sorely missed.

My sincerest condolences and wishing the family strength to cope with the loss.
My pearls of wisdom are as follows:

Ask yourself whether the dream of heaven and greatness should be waiting for us in our graves – or whether it should be ours here and now and on this earth.

Often it takes a tragedy for some of us to actually live so @Wendyvz I believe your dad would not have wanted you to be sad for him for very long. I do understand there is a mourning process that needs to take place but hopefully its an inspiration for the rest of us to live while we still can.
Ek is so jammer @Wendyvz ! 'n Mens kry dikwels 'n idee van iemand se persoonlikheid en karakter op hierdie forum, en jou Pa het altyd soos 'n wonderlike persoon oorgekom. Ek wens vir jou en vir jou familie baie genade en sterkte toe.
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This is very sad and a great loss to this forum - condolences to the family and be assured he left great memories to us all.
This is so sad. I met @Ernest about a year back when I sold him a reo. Such a friendly guy, we had a nice chat and he even messaged me to let me know how he was enjoying the mod.

He will definitely be missed by many I'm sure.

RIP @Ernest
The family that remains will be in our thoughts and prayers and like previous posts here said. Rememeber the good times and the amazing person he was not only here but in your daily lives.
Sorry for your loss @Wendyvz.
May the Lord provide you and your family the strength you require in your time of mourning.
I did not personally interact with @Ernest, but from what I have read here, he was a stand up guy.

Be strong and keep the faith.

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Sorry for your loss @Wendyvz . I never knew or met @Ernest personally but he's contributions to the forum where valuable & always towards fellow capers. Please accept my deepest condolences to you & your family during these hard times.
Sad news for the ECIGSSA family as well @Wendyvz . My sincere condolences to you and the rest of your family.
For those of us on the forum that never met him personally, he was always a 'model citizen' - helpful, friendly and funny.
He will be missed on here for sure.
It's taken me awhile to make a post in this thread because I never know what to say other than my thoughts and prayers are with the family... I chatted to @Ernest more than a few times on the forum and in PM and he will be sadly missed. I trust he is looking down on us and telling us he is OK. He will be missed.
Today is very difficult for me i cant stop crying cant stop thinking about him, I miss him so much and i cant imagine a life without my Hero, I have so many questions and im angry but at the same time very grateful that i got to say goodbye, a privilege that none of my sisters had, yet that is exactly whats hindering me from accepting my emotions. I need to be strong for everyone while i tear my family(Husband and Kids) apart because i just cant seem to cope when i dont put on the mask for the rest...all just so they dont see me in weakness for who will be strong if i am weak?

Sorry for sharing this here
Today is very difficult for me i cant stop crying cant stop thinking about him, I miss him so much and i cant imagine a life without my Hero, I have so many questions and im angry but at the same time very grateful that i got to say goodbye, a privilege that none of my sisters had, yet that is exactly whats hindering me from accepting my emotions. I need to be strong for everyone while i tear my family(Husband and Kids) apart because i just cant seem to cope when i dont put on the mask for the rest...all just so they dont see me in weakness for who will be strong if i am weak?

Sorry for sharing this here

Been there @Wendyvz. Lost my Dad to cancer as well... he was an amazing human as well... I'm not sure you ever get over losing someone... you just learn to live with it... but still many years later things happen and I want to share them with my Dad and can't... it's a roller coaster of emotions... glad he is no longer suffering and then extreme sadness because of your loss... grateful for the years you had with him... you don't have to be strong, no one will judge you for showing your emotions at a time like this... you just need to find your own way to handle things... just know a lot of people are sending you love and support...
@Wendyvz I hope you find the courage to pick up your dad's reos and give them the love your dad gave them.
I'm pretty sure he would be upset seeing a reo unused.
Today is very difficult for me i cant stop crying cant stop thinking about him, I miss him so much and i cant imagine a life without my Hero, I have so many questions and im angry but at the same time very grateful that i got to say goodbye, a privilege that none of my sisters had, yet that is exactly whats hindering me from accepting my emotions. I need to be strong for everyone while i tear my family(Husband and Kids) apart because i just cant seem to cope when i dont put on the mask for the rest...all just so they dont see me in weakness for who will be strong if i am weak?

Sorry for sharing this here

Strength to you @Wendyvz
Thoughts are with you and your family.