I've just watched a YouTube short on the Vaporesso X Mini. It was entitled something like "the best vape pod ever".
I would typically not be at all interested but I noticed that the video had 1.7 million views !!!!!
The video had no comments, just a badly filmed look around the pod.
I then looked at some of the "best" vape reviewers' comments on the device. It turns out that it has many issues including the fact that it cannot stand upright. I won't list the negatives but it didn't receive glowing reviews.
The combined total of the views of the top 10 reviewers amounted to less than 0.1 million views.
It blows my mind. 1.7 million viewers watch a short video on the claimed best pod ever. They are given no facts, just a look at the pod. I wonder how many of them went out and bought it? The "experts" very clearly thought that this offering was not even close to the best pod category, let alone the best ever.
If you believe the hype and you are caught out it is your own fault. The problem is that perhaps many people can't identify hype when they see it.
I didn't want to include a pic of the pod because I wouldn't want to endorse it but relented so that at least you can see which pod I have been talking about.
Hype is real.

I would typically not be at all interested but I noticed that the video had 1.7 million views !!!!!
The video had no comments, just a badly filmed look around the pod.
I then looked at some of the "best" vape reviewers' comments on the device. It turns out that it has many issues including the fact that it cannot stand upright. I won't list the negatives but it didn't receive glowing reviews.
The combined total of the views of the top 10 reviewers amounted to less than 0.1 million views.
It blows my mind. 1.7 million viewers watch a short video on the claimed best pod ever. They are given no facts, just a look at the pod. I wonder how many of them went out and bought it? The "experts" very clearly thought that this offering was not even close to the best pod category, let alone the best ever.
If you believe the hype and you are caught out it is your own fault. The problem is that perhaps many people can't identify hype when they see it.
I didn't want to include a pic of the pod because I wouldn't want to endorse it but relented so that at least you can see which pod I have been talking about.
Hype is real.