Vape porn - coil builds

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Ja, 20 gauge is a good place to be, I love it... the worst I have built was a dual parallel 20 gauge 4 wrap 3mm ID... think it came in @ 0.06, it was insane!! the clouds where massive but the heat was to much, at least in the Eoge it was, that metal thing get's too hot to vape on after 2 pulls..

If you are going to replicate this build, please make sure you run it on a parallel mod, like the dimitri I used for this build, or you will run into battery venting issues, lol, the apms coming off that needs to be spread over two batteries and only pulsed... trust me, it's getting risky there on even two 35 Amp batteries... I felt the batteries after a couple of vapes and they definitely got hotter than with any other build I had, but only a bit hotter, nothing worrying, but I would still be cautious when trying to build something like that!!
Just got my hands on some 26G NiChrome..... And happen to have 32G Kanthal VapoWire at home....
Just hope the drill battery has juice in it, so I can play a bit tonight. 2 x 26G Core with 32G wrapped Claptons coming, soon!
Ja, 20 gauge is a good place to be, I love it... the worst I have built was a dual parallel 20 gauge 4 wrap 3mm ID... think it came in @ 0.06, it was insane!! the clouds where massive but the heat was to much, at least in the Eoge it was, that metal thing get's too hot to vape on after 2 pulls..

If you are going to replicate this build, please make sure you run it on a parallel mod, like the dimitri I used for this build, or you will run into battery venting issues, lol, the apms coming off that needs to be spread over two batteries and only pulsed... trust me, it's getting risky there on even two 35 Amp batteries... I felt the batteries after a couple of vapes and they definitely got hotter than with any other build I had, but only a bit hotter, nothing worrying, but I would still be cautious when trying to build something like that!!

That's why I got myself a dual 26650 parallel mod. The 26650 batteries don't even change temperature after hours of vaping with low builds like that.
I'm looking to make myself one, I have some 26650's left from my Hades days (even have two proper 26650 attys as well, an asmodus and the cerberus) , hehe, still have it, still love it, and will keep it for always... But I want to make myself a nice compact dual 26650 mod... got some nice ideas, it's a matter of bringing it to reality :)
also have to say, my comfort zone is between 0.1 and 0.08 ... lovely experience in the sense that you get a lekker hot vape with loads of clouds and it does not chow the new efest batteries to much (dual in the dimitri), these 2800 ones are really good!!

I just love the box mods, well, mech box mods, hehe thinking of getting a dos equis next, I love how compact it actually is when compared to something like the cherry bomber and the dimitri.. and looks lovely


I never worried about how small or how big a mod should be. I even carry my sigelei 100w with me in town and slip it into my pocket easily. Doesn't bother me. You sacrifice when you go small. I don't. :)
Nice one @Mario :clap:

The furthest I have gone is twisted 28g kanthal (Should go under thread "Vape Softcore - coil builds")

Nice staggered fused clapton don't you think?
Actually, it's waaaayyy too big to use. It's actually a 22g wrapped in I did this for practice. Only about 5cm long.
Here it is next to a 25g wrapped with 28g.


The 25g/28g will be used in my Castor RDA when it arrives. Will be using my dual 26650 mod for that big boy.
At last my practicing paid off and I can now effortless make staggered fused claptons. It's quite easy. Gonna try the tripple staggered fused claptons next and then the alien wire.

Nice staggered fused clapton don't you think?
Actually, it's waaaayyy too big to use. It's actually a 22g wrapped in I did this for practice. Only about 5cm long.
Here it is next to a 25g wrapped with 28g.


The 25g/28g will be used in my Castor RDA when it arrives. Will be using my dual 26650 mod for that big boy.
At last my practicing paid off and I can now effortless make staggered fused claptons. It's quite easy. Gonna try the tripple staggered fused claptons next and then the alien wire.
Bro... That alien wire will make you cry. But let me tell you, when you get it right you feel like you're ohmboy oc or squid doode :) .
Good luck and happy coiling ;)
Well done on that coil btw
@BumbleBee tried my best! Thanks.
The flavor seems a lot smoother and richer than my single and dual kanthal builds. But requires longer draws than usual. Not too long but not too short either. But then again, I'm just a newbie:-D