Vaperite - Retailer Reviews


For the love of the cloud
Hi peeps I just thought I would post this here on my views on vaporite Bedfordview as I have made a few purchases from them.
I will try break down my review.

Stock- well equipped
Price- Resonable and competitive
Store looks- average (could do maybe with a vape lounge for people to test juice especially for occurring customers)
Operating hours- Open 7 days a week
Staff- This is where my main concern is as I feel as a customer going to a store to use my hard earned cash I expect good service and help.
I've made about 5 purchases at the store and of the 5 have had 2 dissapointing experiences.

1- I was buying a tc40w complete with tankand juice in december(my first mod). So i decided to take the device and the salesman said he well show me how it works and set up the device for me. He fetches the box opens it up and passes it over to the next salesman cause he needs to go outside to make a call. The person then explaining the device to me doesn't even know how the device functions work.

2 - I went in to buy some juice so I chose 2 Orion juices (very good juice) as I'm starting to gather gear cause I'm gonna start building my own decks I asked for some wire and while the one salesman is gathering the wire and cotton up for me I ask the other salesman (the same one that doesn't know his products on advice on which wire to get. So he starts explaining a few things to me then I then get asked which rta do i have, after telling them I bought my rta off the ecigsa forum, he changes his whole attitude and stops helping me and walks off to another customer to help him out. So i didn't buy the tanks from you but I'm busy spending R400 at that moment and that's the service you provide. Shocking!!!
Customer care- Excellent

After I posted this thread I was contacted the following day by Barry (the owner) via the forum and telephonically who apologise for my incidents that occurred and told me the matter would be delt with.
A+++ for management customer care.
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Hi @Clouds4Days

Thanks for sharing your views.

I have renamed the thread to "Vaperite - Retailer Reviews" since I assume this is Vaperite you are talking about.

There was no previous Retailer Reviews thread for this vendor, so this will become the thread for reviews on Vaperite.
You see these are small things that will make me never shop from a place.
Keep your attention on me as I am a potential customer. @Vaperite South Africa I think you need to take this up with your salesman.

Disappointed, and I was going to pop past on the week and now won't.
You see these are small things that will make me never shop from a place.
Keep your attention on me as I am a potential customer. @Vaperite South Africa I think you need to take this up with your salesman.

Disappointed, and I was going to pop past on the week and now won't.
Unfortunately not many go to the trouble to do a formal review thread of a vendor, but many just post a comment or two in various other threads (Vape Mail, the vendor's forum, etc). Thus far, I have only seen very positive comments re @Vaperite South Africa.

In the light of this, I am sure they will take the appropriate action in this case. So, let us not let the guillotine fall just yet?
Unfortunately not many go to the trouble to do a formal review thread of a vendor, but many just post a comment or two in various other threads (Vape Mail, the vendor's forum, etc). Thus far, I have only seen very positive comments re @Vaperite South Africa.

In the light of this, I am sure they will take the appropriate action in this case. So, let us not let the guillotine fall just yet?
Sure. That's why I tagged them.
And they will be able to comment.
@MikeVape @Andre @Vaperite South Africa
Don't get me wrong like I said i only have a problem with 1 employee besides that vaperite is a great store.

I'm only stating my complaints so something can be done about it to help improve the service.
Yes but my personal choice not to stress myself by going to shop there until they have commented and resolved.

I prefer dealing with salesman who give me good customer service.
@MikeVape @Andre @Vaperite South Africa
Don't get me wrong like I said i only have a problem with 1 employee besides that vaperite is a great store.

I'm only stating my complaints so something can be done about it to help improve the service.
Of course, your message is quite clear in that regard. And thanks for taking the trouble to post about it. Not only helps other members, but could be invaluable for the vendor concerned.
Thanks for the feedback. Without knowing where we are not meeting and exceeding your expectations we are not able to correct the deficiency. We pride ourselves on great service and if an employee is not giving great service then they will be dealt with and their attitude corrected.

As for product knowledge, we have recently hired a new staff member and he has an awesome attitude but is still getting to know all the products. He has been receiving training from our experienced staff members and will eventually get to know most of the products we have inside and out.

As for the Bedford Village shop, we had our shop designers there last week and we will be giving it a complete renovation in the very near future with a completely new look that will include a vape lounge with lots of seating as well as large TVs with DSTV and various liquid refreshment options for our clients.

If anyone visits either of our outlets and is not blown away by the service they receive, please PM me or call me immediately on 0827776660.

I went in to buy some juice so I chose 2 Orion juices (very good juice) as I'm starting to gather gear cause I'm gonna start building my own decks I asked for some wire and while the one salesman is gathering the wire and cotton up for me I ask the other salesman (the same one that doesn't know his products on advice on which wire to get. So he starts explaining a few things to me then I then get asked which rta do i have, after telling them I bought my rta off the ecigsa forum, he changes his whole attitude and stops helping me and walks off to another customer to help him out. So i didn't buy the tanks from you but I'm busy spending R400 at that moment and that's the service you provide. Shocking!!!

I also need to add that we have no issue with where a client purchased any item they bring into our shops. As an example, a few days ago a new client walked in with a brand new Tugboat he had purchased online through someone else. He was assisted by the salesman who the initial post in this thread is critical of. First he orders two batteries and a battery charger. Then he orders some juice. As he is about to pay our salesman asks him if he needs cotton or wire? He asks what he needs it for? Open the Tugboat atomizer and there's nothing there but shiny posts. The client had no idea he had to build his own deck. But that wasn't an issue and shortly thereafter our salesman had built the client a dual coil build and invited him back for a rebuild if he wasn't able to do it himself next time. This is the same salesman criticized above so he will get a good talking to but is a valuable and knowledgeable member of our team and just needs a bit of an attitude adjustment every now and again.
I would also like to apologise to any customer who visited us in December and felt that they didn't receive the service they expected and deserved. We were simply overwhelmed by the amount of customers and sales in December. We opened the Bedfordview shop in September 2015 and the Eastgate kiosk in December 2015.

Our turnover between the two retail outlets in December was 30 x the turnover for the entire month of September, our first month in the retail business. There is a huge learning curve involved here and we are taking all of our customers comments and suggestions into account and doing our very best to react proactively.

You will shortly see just how much we have been listening when we complete the makeover of the Bedfordview shop and with the opening of our third retail outlet in March. Both will have awesome vape lounges so that your visit to us will be an experience and give you a place to relax and meet others who are passionate about vaping.
I also need to add that we have no issue with where a client purchased any item they bring into our shops. As an example, a few days ago a new client walked in with a brand new Tugboat he had purchased online through someone else. He was assisted by the salesman who the initial post in this thread is critical of. First he orders two batteries and a battery charger. Then he orders some juice. As he is about to pay our salesman asks him if he needs cotton or wire? He asks what he needs it for? Open the Tugboat atomizer and there's nothing there but shiny posts. The client had no idea he had to build his own deck. But that wasn't an issue and shortly thereafter our salesman had built the client a dual coil build and invited him back for a rebuild if he wasn't able to do it himself next time. This is the same salesman criticized above so he will get a good talking to but is a valuable and knowledgeable member of our team and just needs a bit of an attitude adjustment every now and again.
I can understand this! I think I'm the greatest thing since sliced bread and I need an attitude adjustment every now and then. Come to think of it... I probably need one more often than not...
Hi @Vaperite South Africa

Please be aware that this thread is part of the general forum - as such, vendors are not allowed to promote their business or products here.

While I understand and appreciate your enthusiasm - please rather discuss upcoming developments with your vaping business in your own subforum

Thank you
Hi @Silver,

Didn't really occur to me. Maybe the retailer reviews should be moved to the Vendor section so that we can respond to posts about us?

Thanks for the feedback. Without knowing where we are not meeting and exceeding your expectations we are not able to correct the deficiency. We pride ourselves on great service and if an employee is not giving great service then they will be dealt with and their attitude corrected.

As for product knowledge, we have recently hired a new staff member and he has an awesome attitude but is still getting to know all the products. He has been receiving training from our experienced staff members and will eventually get to know most of the products we have inside and out.

As for the Bedford Village shop, we had our shop designers there last week and we will be giving it a complete renovation in the very near future with a completely new look that will include a vape lounge with lots of seating as well as large TVs with DSTV and various liquid refreshment options for our clients.

If anyone visits either of our outlets and is not blown away by the service they receive, please PM me or call me immediately on 0827776660.

Thanks for your great response.
Hi @Silver,

Didn't really occur to me. Maybe the retailer reviews should be moved to the Vendor section so that we can respond to posts about us?


Hi @Vaperite South Africa

Thanks for the suggestion. I hear you.

The challenge of putting the vendor review threads in the respective vendor subforums is that vendors control their subforums, so they could remove negative posts. We do like to have reviews of juices and vendors here on the general threads.

Perhaps, my previous message was not very clear. Apologies for that. Was not saying you may not post here.

You are welcome to respond to posts about your business in these retailer review threads. All I was saying was try not to market your business or discuss upcoming developments here. This does form part of the general forum.

If you would like to discuss this further, lets perhaps transition to PM or chat on the phone
@Silver @MikeVape @Andre @Dean Becker @Stosta @Vaperite South Africa

Today I was contacted by Barry the owner of Vaperite. Via PM and telephonically. We had a good chat and I am satisfied with the manner he dealt this situation. Very very professional and friendly. Thank you Barry for providing awesome customer care. 2 thumbs up, I would even give you 4 thumbs up using my toes... hahaha
I just received an order that I placed yesterday,thanks Barry.
Must say that its made its way here to me quicker than any other order I have placed with an SA Vendor and at really competitive prices and that includes the courier cost,will definitely order again.
Update on my vaporite experiences:
My wife went past vaporite Bedfordview yesterday to pick up some goodies for me and was atended by the lad I had a problem with.
She says he was very helpful and friendly.
I too went past vaporite eastgate (Bedford is closed on sundays) today and the same lad was there , wow... what a change. He assisted me with pleasure and guided me with venture into drippers.
Well up Vaporite.
Keep up the awesome work, yous will always have my support.
If yous have not tried vaporite eastgate/Bedfordview yet I suggest yous do, or pop in to there online store
Really competitive pricing
Keep up the good work Barry
I've been to both stores and had good experiences. The pricing is good as well especially considering costs of running a kiosk and brick and mortar store. Well done Vaperite I'm sure the effort is being well rewarded in sales :party:
Really great customer service at both stores! A wide range of products and really awesome Juice! And the prices are really competitive, keep it up guys and you'll have one extra customer for life:clap:!
I can safely say that I've had only good experiences both at Bedford and Eastgate. There is a slight stock issue but they've pretty much worked around it for me. I needed a coil which they didnt have stock of but instead of turning me away they opened a starter kit and gave me the same coil from there (twice). Will most likely pop in soon for some new hardware.

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I've been to both the Befford and mall stores on more than one ocation. My first experience was not that great at Bedford but went I went back none the less. After my first time, something changed and when I have a gap at the office to drive the 25km I'll go to the Bedford store to collect what I need. The guys are helpful and friendly and I dont feel like they are just pushing sales. I love going to Vaperite once a week to pick up some juice and bots and bobs. On my last visit I was actualy told to not buy something but rather wait for something else. For that I commend you and I will buy that piece of kit from you because that is the right thing to do and I cannot wait. I could have ordered it already but. I haven't. Nice service guys, and thx!!!

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