Vaping Time - Milestones Reached - Good News!

No ways @Silver.... I didnt even realize!

Thanks for the medal man, really, this journey has been one of the best I have ever experienced!!!
No ways @Silver.... I didnt even realize!

Thanks for the medal man, really, this journey has been one of the best I have ever experienced!!!

No prob

I bet if someone told you 2 years ago that in 2015 you would have stopped smoking for a year and have had a great time doing it - you would not have believed them ;-)

Well done -

and that is what this is all about!
hahaha @Silver I probably would have told them to lay off grand dad's cough medicine....
I actually missed my 1 year of stinky free :giggle:. Well anyway, today I am 1 year and 3 days stinky free and loving it :rock:. WOOHOO!! :dance:.
Way to go @Dubz. I can't even remember mine though it's been about a yr.and a half.
Im proud... I want the world to know! 8--)
Im proud... I want the world to know! 8--)

And so you should be

Despite it being a great experience and journey, one sometimes forgets all the time, effort and money that goes into this. Not to mention all the anticipation and frustration.
And so you should be

Despite it being a great experience and journey, one sometimes forgets all the time, effort and money that goes into this. Not to mention all the anticipation and frustration.

Agreed @Silver, but if i think about how much money i spent on Cigarettes for the past 15 years, the amount of money i have spent on vaping is but a drop in the ocean.... Granted it has taken me a while to find my prefered vape, but so what, it has been so much fun. Also, the community. When you see someone smoking in their car in the traffic, you dont almost leap from your car and go "Hey bro, you smoking Peter Styvesant, Thats awesome man", as you do with vaping...

I just love all of this, and it has become a part of me...

Mad love for everyone that has helped me get here today, and yes, that includes every single person on this forum!
Agreed @Silver, but if i think about how much money i spent on Cigarettes for the past 15 years, the amount of money i have spent on vaping is but a drop in the ocean.... Granted it has taken me a while to find my prefered vape, but so what, it has been so much fun. Also, the community. When you see someone smoking in their car in the traffic, you dont almost leap from your car and go "Hey bro, you smoking Peter Styvesant, Thats awesome man", as you do with vaping...

I just love all of this, and it has become a part of me...

Mad love for everyone that has helped me get here today, and yes, that includes every single person on this forum!

Champion post
So true
hey :)

First, today is my 1 year VapeVersary!!!! Having attempted to quit smoking many times, many different ways (cold turkey included), this is quite an accomplishment. I was a pack a day smoker for almost 10 years before vaping. I stopped a few times, sometimes for as long as a few months but always came crawling back, usually after drinking, work stress or something the likes of.

As far as health goes, I can say this... Since the day I bought my first setup I have not touched a single cigarette. My results (so far) are:

My sense of smell and taste almost immediately returned, within a couple of days.

My heart rate has gone down substantially from an average of 87-90 bpm to about 70-75 bpm. It has been as low as 65 when at rest, and I expect it will drop further as time goes on.

My heartbeat is regular again. When I was smoking I got to the point that about every 5th beat my heart would skip a beat; it was noticeable to me and made me nervous. Not anymore. It's like clockwork now.

My breathing is regular, especially at night. I would often have a tight chest and could hear that my airways were obstructed that I could almost whistle as I lay in bed. Subsequently I would land up holding my breath every few seconds and then taking bigger gasps of air. There were many occasions I was shaken awake by the gf because she was unsure if I had died or was just unconsciously holding my breath in.

I sleep better at night. No more waking up and coughing my head off, and no more waking up to light a cigarette in my sleep (yes, I actually did this). I would go and hang half of my body out the window to have a smoke otherwise I couldn’t fall off to sleep again.

When I wake in the morning, my lungs are much clearer. I used to wake up and cough for about 10-20 minutes, sometimes to the point that it felt my lungs were on fire and my airways had swollen up; I couldn't breathe without sounding like I was dying. I would wake each morning, irrespective of the weather and go stand outside and have a smoke before doing anything. Hasn't happened once since I started vaping.

I no longer have to sneak off to the garage to go "look for my phone charger" in the car boot

In general I haven’t had any cases of flu or colds, and when I did get sick it was not longer than for 2 days. The vaping acts like a natural anti-biotic!

I can walk up a flight of stairs without collapsing!

My GF is happier with my, how shall I say, "Performance". Fellas, for those of you who didn't know, a happy wife = a happy life... Trust me on this one.

As far as other benefits it's the normal stuff:

The house doesn't stink of cigarettes. Normally I didn't smoke anywhere in the house other than the garage or bathroom but we all know how cigarette smoke can migrate.

No ashtrays to deal with and no stompies littered all of the garage and in the gutters (I would flick it onto the roof)

Empty cigarette boxes in my car are a thing of the past! I’m really sure the car wash attendants thought I had a serious problem. Especially if the car missed its weekly appointment.

I can "stealth" vape anywhere... try that with cigarettes.

My clothes don't smell like an ashtray.

My car smells much better and no longer has little bits of ashes all over the place that made their way back in the window when flicking them.

BUT.... the biggest advantage of me quitting smoking was finding this forum :)

I have grown to find real friends here all who share a common interest and I wouldn’t trade that for anything else. You guys have really brought out a better side of me and for that I am forever grateful.

So all in all, it's been a grand-slam home run for me. I'm about to be 28 and I'm happy with the change I've made thus far. Have already dropped my nicotine level to an eight of what I started with and it hasn't really bothered me. Hell even if I do get down to zero nicotine, I will still probably be vaping just because I like going through the motions.

Anyway, rock on and keep up the good work! I'll go ahead and dedicate this cloud to all of you guys who have helped me on this journey... Cheers!
Congratulations @shaunnadan on the 1 year!

Great achievement

And thank you for the detailed post about all the benefits to vaping 1 year in.
That was brilliant!!
Those contemplating whether they should start vaping should read that post.
I have bookmarked it

Trophy 1.jpg
hey :)

First, today is my 1 year VapeVersary!!!! Having attempted to quit smoking many times, many different ways (cold turkey included), this is quite an accomplishment. I was a pack a day smoker for almost 10 years before vaping. I stopped a few times, sometimes for as long as a few months but always came crawling back, usually after drinking, work stress or something the likes of.

As far as health goes, I can say this... Since the day I bought my first setup I have not touched a single cigarette. My results (so far) are:

My sense of smell and taste almost immediately returned, within a couple of days.

My heart rate has gone down substantially from an average of 87-90 bpm to about 70-75 bpm. It has been as low as 65 when at rest, and I expect it will drop further as time goes on.

My heartbeat is regular again. When I was smoking I got to the point that about every 5th beat my heart would skip a beat; it was noticeable to me and made me nervous. Not anymore. It's like clockwork now.

My breathing is regular, especially at night. I would often have a tight chest and could hear that my airways were obstructed that I could almost whistle as I lay in bed. Subsequently I would land up holding my breath every few seconds and then taking bigger gasps of air. There were many occasions I was shaken awake by the gf because she was unsure if I had died or was just unconsciously holding my breath in.

I sleep better at night. No more waking up and coughing my head off, and no more waking up to light a cigarette in my sleep (yes, I actually did this). I would go and hang half of my body out the window to have a smoke otherwise I couldn’t fall off to sleep again.

When I wake in the morning, my lungs are much clearer. I used to wake up and cough for about 10-20 minutes, sometimes to the point that it felt my lungs were on fire and my airways had swollen up; I couldn't breathe without sounding like I was dying. I would wake each morning, irrespective of the weather and go stand outside and have a smoke before doing anything. Hasn't happened once since I started vaping.

I no longer have to sneak off to the garage to go "look for my phone charger" in the car boot

In general I haven’t had any cases of flu or colds, and when I did get sick it was not longer than for 2 days. The vaping acts like a natural anti-biotic!

I can walk up a flight of stairs without collapsing!

My GF is happier with my, how shall I say, "Performance". Fellas, for those of you who didn't know, a happy wife = a happy life... Trust me on this one.

As far as other benefits it's the normal stuff:

The house doesn't stink of cigarettes. Normally I didn't smoke anywhere in the house other than the garage or bathroom but we all know how cigarette smoke can migrate.

No ashtrays to deal with and no stompies littered all of the garage and in the gutters (I would flick it onto the roof)

Empty cigarette boxes in my car are a thing of the past! I’m really sure the car wash attendants thought I had a serious problem. Especially if the car missed its weekly appointment.

I can "stealth" vape anywhere... try that with cigarettes.

My clothes don't smell like an ashtray.

My car smells much better and no longer has little bits of ashes all over the place that made their way back in the window when flicking them.

BUT.... the biggest advantage of me quitting smoking was finding this forum :)

I have grown to find real friends here all who share a common interest and I wouldn’t trade that for anything else. You guys have really brought out a better side of me and for that I am forever grateful.

So all in all, it's been a grand-slam home run for me. I'm about to be 28 and I'm happy with the change I've made thus far. Have already dropped my nicotine level to an eight of what I started with and it hasn't really bothered me. Hell even if I do get down to zero nicotine, I will still probably be vaping just because I like going through the motions.

Anyway, rock on and keep up the good work! I'll go ahead and dedicate this cloud to all of you guys who have helped me on this journey... Cheers!
Congrats on the huge milestone. I think most of us can perfectly relate to your story - all of it! Best of all - it has been a great pleasure to be part of your journey and admire your invaluable and selfless contributions. I salute you:clap::clap::clap:.
And so you should be

Despite it being a great experience and journey, one sometimes forgets all the time, effort and money that goes into this. Not to mention all the anticipation and frustration.
To all the members celebrating milestones ,CONGRATULATIONS! Sorry I'm late.