Vaping Time - Milestones Reached - Good News!

Great stuff. You have now done the hard yards. From here on in it is only flavour for Africa. Well done.

Thanks @Andre - my juice nic levels are now majority 1.5mg or 0mg, it's all about the taste now!
Yes you will @Greyz, once you are hooked on vaping you never stop. Only problem is I don't think I have ever been this broke! LOL

Man do I feel your pain! In the 7 weeks I'm off syinkies I have bought 2 mods (eVic mini and RX200), 2 tanks (TFV4 Full and Cubis), 8 batteries (3x25R's, 3xLG Brownies, 1xLG HE2 and 1xNitecore), numerous coils for the eVic, 2 sleeves for the eVic, a couple drip tips, Kanthal wire, SS wire, Bacon cotton and lots of juices. Convert the monies to Smokes and it could probably buy me 6 onths of stinkies.
Would I do it again, hell yes! (maybe buy less high nic juice next time - got some 18mg and 12mg juices wasting away)
Two year's off the stinkies yesterday. Nautilus mini was the tank that got me vaping permanent and this site. Using a VTC mini with Kanger subtank, Tron and Aspire Triton at present. Also dropped from 18mg nic to 3 mg over the past month. Can now rebuild coils for subtank and Tron. Triton RBA is a pain...builds are good, flavour is harsh in the throat. A BIG Thanks to the guys on this site...reading your posts has helped tremendously over these past 2 years.

Well done @montezuma on a major achievement!!
Congratulations. Wishing you well for the next 2 years!

Just over 8 months smoke free here :party:

I gave up the stinkies on my birthday when i found out i got hired for my first real full time job :D

Decided it was time to change my life around, new job, new beginnings and because it was my birthday i wasn't getting any younger!

After the interview at Mugg&Bean, and being told the job is mine, i went down to VapeMob in bellville and got me an EgoOne kit and never looked back.

Now i have progressed to Sigelei's and Reuleaux's, but i am still a healthier and more energetic man!

Thank you to everyone here for all the advice and all the amazing vendors for always being understanding and helping where they can!

Congrats @Jebula999 - well done on the 8 months- great story about new beginnings!
Onward and upward
Man do I feel your pain! In the 7 weeks I'm off syinkies I have bought 2 mods (eVic mini and RX200), 2 tanks (TFV4 Full and Cubis), 8 batteries (3x25R's, 3xLG Brownies, 1xLG HE2 and 1xNitecore), numerous coils for the eVic, 2 sleeves for the eVic, a couple drip tips, Kanthal wire, SS wire, Bacon cotton and lots of juices. Convert the monies to Smokes and it could probably buy me 6 onths of stinkies.
Would I do it again, hell yes! (maybe buy less high nic juice next time - got some 18mg and 12mg juices wasting away)

Don't stress about the higher spending @Greyz
Its but a mere fraction of what you would have to pay to treat a smoking related illness...

Regarding the high nic juices, you can blend them with PG/VG to reduce their strength. While the flavour may drop off, with some juices it works very well.
Unbelievable - just hit the 2 year mark +59h.

Oh, this is marvellous @johan
Big congrats to you! Give that man a bells!

And a special thank you for all your support and amazing contributions here on ECIGSSSA over the years. Humour included! And for staying in touch from the emerald isle. (go raibh maith agat) ;-)

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