Vaping Time - Milestones Reached - Good News!

Hey All, just dropping a note to say that I am proud to have reached my 1yr anniversary being stinky free... Thanks to allof U guys n gals on the forum... for being such awesome company...
Hey All, just dropping a note to say that I am proud to have reached my 1yr anniversary being stinky free... Thanks to allof U guys n gals on the forum... for being such awesome company...

Hip hip hoorah!!!

Nicely done buddy :)
Hey All, just dropping a note to say that I am proud to have reached my 1yr anniversary being stinky free... Thanks to allof U guys n gals on the forum... for being such awesome company...
Congrats....a huge milestone:clap::clap::clap:
well done everyone, vaping really makes it easy to quit stinkies <-- thanks to the people that invented vaping and made it so much fun, I have been off stinkies for approximately 2 years and 10 months, April will be my 3 year anniversary. On a side note I have also started working out more intensely this year, which makes the non-smoking even better :)
Hey All, just dropping a note to say that I am proud to have reached my 1yr anniversary being stinky free... Thanks to allof U guys n gals on the forum... for being such awesome company...

Well done @RoddieJ
Great achievement!!!
All the best from here on

Well done @RoddieJ - thanks for being an inspiration to those of us that recently quit!
Keep at it bud.
Two months clean!I feel so much healthier and I don't snap at people as much,plus my fiance doesn't say I stink anymore :p congrats to the rest of you too,we are all proof that vaping is an excellent tool for quitting cigs
Hey everyone

Celebrating 1 year of being stinkie free.
So happy and so glad to be part of this amazing Forum. The journey has been incredible, thank you so much to everyone for your input and help.

Vape on my brothers and sisters :D
Congrats @Smoky Jordan
That is a fine achievement!!
All the best from here on


PS - I moved your post to this thread
Hey everyone

Celebrating 1 year of being stinkie free.
So happy and so glad to be part of this amazing Forum. The journey has been incredible, thank you so much to everyone for your input and help.

Vape on my brothers and sisters :D
Way to go! Congrats on reaching this huge milestone :clap::clap::clap:.
Two months clean!I feel so much healthier and I don't snap at people as much,plus my fiance doesn't say I stink anymore :p congrats to the rest of you too,we are all proof that vaping is an excellent tool for quitting cigs
Great stuff. You have done the hard yards.
Growing up my dad taught us that whenever you set out to achieve a task to always set yourself little milestones that lead up until the final goal.
So when I started vaping the final goal was to quit smoking but between stopping and ultimately quitting I'd set milestones.
1st was to get through the first 3 days as these are the hardest days.
2nd milestone was 4 weeks (1 month).
The 3rd and last milestone I had set myself was 12 weeks (3 months) - I said if I can go 3 months without a stinkie then I'd kicked the habit for good.
Achieving the mini-goals along the way helps keep you invested and wanting to continue to the final goal.
And it's with pride that I say that I have met the last milestone and as of Friday I am 12 weeks stinkie free! And I intend staying stinkie free for life.

I seriously couldn't have done it without the support of my family and the forumites here on ecigssa. I wish I could put in words how much the advise and encouragement I received here meant to me. Reading how folks have gone 6, 9, 12 months without backsliding helped me to keep my sails pointed in the right direction.

So here I sit 3 months later and still going strong. Vaping has changed my life, I've never been this happy and this broke at the same time :p

Thanks eCigssa - this forum :rock:
Growing up my dad taught us that whenever you set out to achieve a task to always set yourself little milestones that lead up until the final goal.
So when I started vaping the final goal was to quit smoking but between stopping and ultimately quitting I'd set milestones.
1st was to get through the first 3 days as these are the hardest days.
2nd milestone was 4 weeks (1 month).
The 3rd and last milestone I had set myself was 12 weeks (3 months) - I said if I can go 3 months without a stinkie then I'd kicked the habit for good.
Achieving the mini-goals along the way helps keep you invested and wanting to continue to the final goal.
And it's with pride that I say that I have met the last milestone and as of Friday I am 12 weeks stinkie free! And I intend staying stinkie free for life.

I seriously couldn't have done it without the support of my family and the forumites here on ecigssa. I wish I could put in words how much the advise and encouragement I received here meant to me. Reading how folks have gone 6, 9, 12 months without backsliding helped me to keep my sails pointed in the right direction.

So here I sit 3 months later and still going strong. Vaping has changed my life, I've never been this happy and this broke at the same time :p

Thanks eCigssa - this forum :rock:
Great stuff. Congrats. We can all relate to how big a milestone this must be for you. Happy vaping.

Have you noticed we have turned in bloodhounds? That rancid smell of ciggete can be smelled through three walls up wind
I was driving the N2 and could smell smoke blowing in. Overtook till I passed. It was THREE CARS AHEAD of me.
11 months off the deathsticks. Can't speak for second hand smoke though. :mad: