Vaping with Vic cleaned out


So it seems us Saffies aren't the only ones who have to deal with thieving scumbags.

This seems to be an increasing risk for reviewers. This was done by vapers, they took the expensive mods and left the cheap stuff behind. Now when reviewers go on air and put impressive displays of gear behind them, they're essentially showing the thieves what they have.

Yes, they're protected to a degree because most people don't have the address where the gear is stored. But Vic sends out a lot of giveaway packages, I would think his office address is on the courier/postal slip. Also, if it's a business (Vaping with Vic is a company), it's possible to do database searches and find out the registered address of the company.

So it's a sign of the times, I guess. Anyway, just to give a heads-up that there will obviously be no reviews from Vic until he's replaced the uninsured +/- R100,000 of gear that was stolen. Sickening.
Yip, sucks. What really grinds me though, and this isn't the first time a Youtuber has made a video like this, is the amount of them who are "forgetting/putting off/not caring" to get insurance on such expensive equipment. This is their way of life, it is how they survive, and to be so indifferent towards it just makes zero sense.
Yip, sucks. What really grinds me though, and this isn't the first time a Youtuber has made a video like this, is the amount of them who are "forgetting/putting off/not caring" to get insurance on such expensive equipment. This is their way of life, it is how they survive, and to be so indifferent towards it just makes zero sense.
you do realize he is paid for reviews and is sent everything for free?
Yip, sucks. What really grinds me though, and this isn't the first time a Youtuber has made a video like this, is the amount of them who are "forgetting/putting off/not caring" to get insurance on such expensive equipment. This is their way of life, it is how they survive, and to be so indifferent towards it just makes zero sense.

To be fair, he lives in Scotland and most EU residents don't live in fear of being burgled, it's very rare there. I have spoken to Brits who have never experienced a crime in their entire lives, not even something as minor as having washing stolen off the line.

But yeah, when he does it for a living, insuring his gear is prudent. Even if he lives in a crime-free area, there is always the risk of fire, flood or other disasters.
you do realize he is paid for reviews and is sent everything for free?

I am pretty sure he is, but that is irrelevant as without any equipment his channel does not exist, hence no samples/payments.
And so we learn not to badmouth Voopoo (they still got a crap name).

Regarding to insuring vape stuffs, I'm sure a lot of his gears are beyond monetary value. Like @Rob Fisher 's collection, if he needs to replace all it won't be the same. First you need to explain to the insurance guys a Solarstorm or Dani is not the same as the Smok you by at the mall down the road. And then to get the same models will be near impossible.

It just sucks overall.
And so we learn not to badmouth Voopoo (they still got a crap name).

Regarding to insuring vape stuffs, I'm sure a lot of his gears are beyond monetary value. Like @Rob Fisher 's collection, if he needs to replace all it won't be the same. First you need to explain to the insurance guys a Solarstorm or Dani is not the same as the Smok you by at the mall down the road. And then to get the same models will be near impossible.

It just sucks overall.

I also think it was voopoo

Regarding to insuring vape stuffs, I'm sure a lot of his gears are beyond monetary value. Like @Rob Fisher 's collection, if he needs to replace all it won't be the same. First you need to explain to the insurance guys a Solarstorm or Dani is not the same as the Smok you by at the mall down the road. And then to get the same models will be near impossible.

My collection is all insured. Changed the insurance a month ago to include my collection.
2019-01-18 15.07.08.jpg Uncle @Rob Fisher : Notice on his gate. Once you enter without our permission if you see our cat ,be warned it is to late to turn around and run.Have a nice day.
And so we learn not to badmouth Voopoo (they still got a crap name).

Regarding to insuring vape stuffs, I'm sure a lot of his gears are beyond monetary value. Like @Rob Fisher 's collection, if he needs to replace all it won't be the same. First you need to explain to the insurance guys a Solarstorm or Dani is not the same as the Smok you by at the mall down the road. And then to get the same models will be near impossible.

It just sucks overall.

Insurance works on values you supply them as a whole and then in claims they can ask for invoices before paying out, in a R100k claim the only thing you lose out on is excess. With this you will increase your household content value and specify amounts for vape gear and such.

This is much the same with cellphones except they have values for them because its common but with jewelry you specify and when you claim you produce invoices/pro forma invoices for the same replacement item. They are not going to screw you over from a dani to a smok in terms of value if everything is in order and no fowl play.

I dont work in the insurance field but everyone should really read and understand their policies better and specify items; eg laptops/jewelry......
I am really sorry that this happened to Vic.

I have been watching his reviews etc. for a few years. He appears to be way more honest about what he does than many other reviewers. He has given endless details about what he earns and how he operates his business "Vaping with ViC". Take a look at episode 170 of "Watts Up?" on his YouTube channel. He explains how he is going to end his disability allowance and become self-employed. I lived in Scotland for a few years and I can appreciate the courage he displayed in making this move.

As he admits he was really stupid not to take out insurance on his office contents but I can believe that he didn't see it as a priority. The number of small upstairs offices in an office building broken into in Scotland must be tiny. When we lived in Glasgow we didn't bother to insure the contents of our house. We lived in a posh neighbourhood without fences, gates, burglar bars or alarms. In the few years we were there not one house in our area was broken into. There were some high crime areas but not office blocks. House burglary was generally limited to addicts stealing the odd TV to feed their habit. That was in the 90s so maybe things have changed.

I'm sure his patreons and others will assist him financially, and with equipment.
Good news for "Vaping with Vic".

He has received enough money (4000 Pounds) to replace his equipment.

In typical Vic style, he has asked people to please stop sending money. He has also said that he will publish receipts for all the new kit that he buys.

Vapers worldwide seem to come to the aid of fellow vapers who are in need.

P.S. Even Jai Haze sent a donation.