Weekend Projects

Thats the one who also used RIT dye. Another I watched was Warped Lab he seems to use RIT as well, which is about R550+ as an import and they dont stock/have available purple.
Caswell anodizing solutions are R1100+
Not a damn.
Free is problem free :)
Not a damn.
Free is problem free :)
Agree, or as cheap as possible.
Considering Kevin at Dala gave me a good discount, R14 for 250ml Teddy Purple liquid dye, Im not too butt hurt that it didnt work.
Just struggling to find the right stuff here SA.:(
for my build I am toying wiht the idea of just going titanium and anodizing that.
or getting Demascus for it.
I know the prototype I am making on sunday the plan is to use alluminium but I was aiming to keep that normal silver colour bcause its more to get dimentions worked out.

the plan for my face plate is to make it longer than needed, then put the 510 hole into that, and give it a nice bend so the face plate goes over the top curve of the mod as one solid piece.

this weekend is more about order of opperations on a cheap block of wood, so when my stabalized blocks are ready end of March I know my planned steps will work correctly.

will be a DNA250C duel 18650, magnetic battery door, with the Face plate making sort of an L bracket shape to hold the board and the 510, heirloom fit into the wood.
for my build I am toying wiht the idea of just going titanium and anodizing that.
or getting Demascus for it.
I know the prototype I am making on sunday the plan is to use alluminium but I was aiming to keep that normal silver colour bcause its more to get dimentions worked out.

the plan for my face plate is to make it longer than needed, then put the 510 hole into that, and give it a nice bend so the face plate goes over the top curve of the mod as one solid piece.

this weekend is more about order of opperations on a cheap block of wood, so when my stabalized blocks are ready end of March I know my planned steps will work correctly.

will be a DNA250C duel 18650, magnetic battery door, with the Face plate making sort of an L bracket shape to hold the board and the 510, heirloom fit into the wood.

Dual 18650 DNA250C on my side as well.
I'll be using denim micarta top and bottom so I dont have to do fancy insulating for the batt contacts top and bottom, plus easy to mill a hole for the 510.
I used al for the faceplate as its easier to machine and I have plenty of 3mm extruded lying around.

I scribe layout lines on the reverse, but I seem to have a wurm in die kop that likes going over lines.
slightly jelous of the machine side. mine is all going to be manual for now.

maybe on V2 wiht the stab wood I will call in the CNC for the faceplate on the Titanium or Damascus.

I have 3d Printed parts and wood to isolate the batteries.
but who knows I might be completely wrong and I might need to rethink that later if my plans fail
Just asking, what about a tinted epoxy resin coating? View attachment 299161
Tried it as a last ditch, but wasnt the look I was going for, more of a dirty plum than purple.
Trouble is the viscosity of epoxy creates a beading around the edges with a meniscus effect and while its fine for a name plate, it looks bad with a face plate with many cutouts.
In the end I decided to go with plain as the purple anodizing might look a bit garish/gaudy.
This is the result on a test panel even after pushing the epoxy around with a toothpick.
I figured the raised epoxy would probably also be more prone to wear, scratches or chipping.
why not just cast solid epoxy exactly the way you want it and machine it into a face plate?

I saw on the finished product in the other thread so I understand what you did with the screen portion is just cast, question is why not just cast the face plate, machine it, then cast the "screen" back in?
why not just cast solid epoxy exactly the way you want it and machine it into a face plate?

I saw on the finished product in the other thread so I understand what you did with the screen portion is just cast, question is why not just cast the face plate, machine it, then cast the "screen" back in?
Big risk of chipping, wont be able to erase the machining marks inside all the holes and a 3mm thick plate would be quite fragile.