What's in your hand right now?

Nom nom nom
The Goliath on the sig looks really intimidating!! Beast of a tank on a beast mod!! And then there is petite Isabella!

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Ice Cream Juice in the Derringer on the Sirius II in 18350 mode... so cute! And Tropical Ice in Old Avril... Camila and new Avril are in the man bag all wicked up up and with fresh batteries waiting to go out for lunch! ;-)

SiruisII 003.JPG
Knife in one hand, fork in the other....guess what I'm doing :p
Eleaf Istick30w with a kangertech Genitank 1.8 ohm with vapeking lime milkshake on 4.0V can you say yum yum
My resprayed SMPL and Troll with some of @Silver Lime menthol mix.

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3 hour old Vapor Shark with Subtank mini with temp OCC blue coil running at 215 deg C @ 40W, long cool lung hits of Duchess. Life doesn't get better :D

2015-04-14 13.28.52.jpg